Saturday, May 31, 2008

Last Post in Arizona

The movers arrived this morning about 9:00am and were done about 11:15 then off to my NAU office; got that all loaded by, the carpet guy is working on two bedrooms and z is finishing the LR...a and xo will be over later to clean...s and b came over to get more stuff;...I did not feel well this morning. Shortness of breath...have not had that in, I hope I will be ok after the trip...spent the night a c last night and slept really well in a real bed...beautiful sunny warm summer day in Flag...sitting in my nau office for the last time. Turning in my keys pretty off to a new adventure in my life...oh z is renting my thrilled about that...great human being....I am thrilled about that...all coming "full circle" thank you HP for taking care of me....walk in beauty, char you will be in Portland pretty soon. lov to everyone here. thank you to dear l in Portland...see u soon