Sunday, December 30, 2007

Laura's Maui Sea Shore Hands Filled with Art

Sure having fun tonight with all the techniques and tools that are available with a new friend said to me today "you alter anything"; I would have to say "yes, I do and I love it" this image was drawn with color pencils in Maui on her 10 day trip with her lovely daughter and hubby; it was on her blog site tonight so guess what "I altered it" ....what do you think L? I have started a new book with images of doors so if you have any please send them to me; my new symbol for the upcoming year....last year it was calendars but now it it DOORS.




Old Door (2007): New Door:2008

Very compelling week re future decisions..."All Good Things Must Come to an End"--new memories every day and re contextualization of my former life. The last day of the ironic....the opposite situation of last year...I took a workshop for the majority of the year called "A Year To Remember"; little did I know what the impact of this title would be to my own life; More like a "Year to Forget". Gave l2 a photo shop image of a mushroom coming up from the underworld and now it is glowing with life and diamonds; a new path from death to life. Thanks to all of you who have made my life bearable considering the depth of pain, hurt, disappointment this has been; the word trust will never be the same nor commitment. As I have stated several times "Never in a Million Years" did I think this would happen....boy/girl I was new life will be wonderful and my heart will heal...forgiveness is another topic, quite is a process. I have to forgive myself first as to all the mistakes I have made; promises I did not keep; nor love I did not show. going forward...that will be my lesson for this next year.

Thursday, December 27, 2007

ode to ecee

All I can say is thank you very much about million times....just finished with 2 more options re future. Since 7 am....later

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Merry Christmis--2007

I am happy today is going to be a memory tomorrow...went to c for dinner with t,a,b,etc.L3 called me this to talk with her...she is so interesting. had to leave c early since I had a terrible stomach ache...too much rich food. cleaned the house this am; woke up to cat pee in my bed...what a fun way to wake up; my eyes were not even started to do launry at 6 little tree is so sweet and has been very pleasant to look at for the last couple of lights are cute too. went to uu service last night at cc/that was so hard, I loved the music so that helped a lot...c and b were there; we all went to denneys for post service treats; the moon was beautiful...l1 called me from h today and I could hear the ocean in the background....I wore the medicine bag she sent me with the silver angel in was 7 months yesterday and I had a 2.5 hour meeting with her yesterday with hard. it will be over and and I will get through this too..i am loved and i love myself...nite

Saturday, December 22, 2007

In between time: Solstice (sun + wait)

Worry is not necessary. Spend an equal amount of time counting blessings. Start with your childhood. Take the time to remember to really appreciate each blessing, absorb it and think of all the good effects it has had on you and others. Don't overlook the ordinary. There are a thousand blessings in every moment, if you look. Each breath and heartbeat, every color, texture, taste, smell.A lifetime of blessings, beauty, love. Thankfulness is like water. Allow yourself the release, the cleansing, the quenching that gratefulness brings. Mary Lee Bonasera Matthews : (from aliedwardsblog) The last few days have been so hard emotionally for me and I want to bless all my friends [you know who u r] who have listened to me over and over again...trying to make sense (cents) of it...This poem is so true....this too will be over and I can get on with my own life as a loving independent person.

Monday, December 17, 2007

Medicine Bag

l1 sent me a beautiful medicine bag which is handmade of dark purple velvet with dark brown, green, orange, and blue beads with a round dark green stone surrounded with more colorful beads in the center of the bag; so yummy--it arrived on a day that has been quite scary, empowering, crazy--with surprises-I have had some fun talking with a new friend--lots of laughing and that is what I need! lots of love and support from my many angels....went to Target and bought 9.99 worth of kitchen items; got my 3 classes all graded and the grades posted! yea another semester done! i have to get the on-line class ready for spring but that should not take too long...ali gave me two presents to put under my tree...they look so beautiful...she is taking my car to pick up her son in Phx tomorrow---so I will have time to walk and do more fixing my house up....tiny things but everything helps..maybe take the bus to town and walk down there...clean my office? who knows; it will be and so will I.

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Luminaries in Flagstaff

Had a very nice day with a new friend; we talk a lot and laugh a lot; I want that in a friendship. We went to Late for the Train and I lost my hot chocolate; which seems unreal but it happened; saw the luminaries in a neighborhood on the west side; it was joyful to see all the lights, carolers, fires to keep the walkers warm; and real animals for the baby jesus story; horse, sheep, donkey, dogs. Flagstaff is so beautiful with the blue skies and our wonderful San Francisco Peaks all covered in snow. Went by my house on Talkington and passed it by--got lost and actually very good that we basically missed it...another time and my life is expanding in new and fun ways. Miracles happen everyday if we are open to them. I am pretty tired right now..nite nite..

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Appraisal Time & My Future???

This picture is from Zen Habits and the photographer is ania316; so it represents a very small house and the occupant looks happy; so this can apply to me too; yesterday a woman came by to appraise my "hogan" and she called the bank with her appraisal fast they are working these, j will help me later and then the negotiations will begin....almost done with grading...bought art supplies this afternoon so I am really looking forward to "artbychar" time...nice to talk with l today. z called but I could not talk long at hopefully I will hear from him soon re the next projects...what a delightful person....still not getting my camera to transfer pix to this computer...darn it...oh well now maybe I will have some time to work on it...later hugs to l1 and nice comment!

Monday, December 10, 2007

Snow Time

Thank you HP for the wonders of snow....lots of snow....we love it; all except driving in it; slow driving for sure....I think I will be snowed in tomorrow so I got 3 continue to grade my on line classes; sure happy my other class is done.........I need to find someone who will shovel the snow around my car! or let it melt....kitty paws in the snow is so cute--Ophie sure wanted to come in fast when I got home tonight; I actually cooked a pot roast in the crock pot sure smells good when you open the door; so I was up t 6 am for some I am getting tired now. This image was taken last year but it looks like that snow! nite nite--l1 love your pictures from Santa Fe! smile

Saturday, December 08, 2007

Up to Art

The image of the Rose is not my is from a nationl artist and I did not take her name forgive me. In between grading papers and getting a final ready I am playing with art...what fun..I decorated my Holiday tree on Wed pm...very sweet; lights in the kitchen; lovely all around me...I can be happy and I will be snowed today and rained all day yesterday....thank you hp....i was using the treadmill last night and ruby's spirit was there--I looked on the blue couch where she used to sit and I saw an image of her (a flash of color); Libby was sitting by, I am not going nuts, at least not any more than usual. So off to go shopping with the crowds..mainly window shopping....later

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Just think of an Austrailian Lesbian from the Outback

yep, that is what i said....just vision it for yourself; anyway....last night got together with 3 other women and our Spanish teacher at a local VERY HISPANIC restaurant (all the people speak Spanish; tv is on a Hispanic channel; Mexican food; Spanish newspaper; many local people who are all talking Spanish to each other)...yep, we went there and "tried to speak Spanish"---one of the very first things that happened was the woman who I thought was the best Spanish speaker in our group; who is a vegetarian ordered in Spanish "cheese crips with beef tongue"---it was so funny to say the least; someone caught the mistake and she RAN UP TO THE FRONT TO CHANGE HER ORDER...we all laughed soooooooooooooooo hard...instead of saying "veggies" she asked for "beef tongue" it happens to the best of us.... So, one more week of teaching...sure looking forward to our break...z over last night to work on the bathroom etc. He wrote me a very sweet thank you note for the gift certificate....a love of a human being! His mom did good! Received a special call last night...very sweet. Off to grade papers and etc. Have a nice day everyone....loved the Hawaiian dancers and spiritual singers and dancers, You deserve to have some rest and family love. L1.