Friday, August 28, 2009

Going to Flag

Off to Flag tomorrow....that will be so nice to my friends and see the Mountains! I look forward to the hugs....and totally acceptance of who I am ...

Thank You Teddy

You have been an elder statesman to all of are flying with the doves of peace and the eagles of honor, and all your relatives who have surrounded you with love, blessings, and humor. We all thank you all the many things you did for all of the Great Spirit be there with you.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

A Waiting Game

we will know more tomorrow...just be gentle with yourself...detachment and no judgement and self acceptance are keys to being in the present; 2 false fire alarms at my new place...I am glad I live near the fire exit and I am on the second floor..very close to the outside. Everything will be just fine and I am in the exact place I am suppose to be...where else am I suppose to be? No where..Here with acceptance. Thanks for all your prayers and you know who you are.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Stop and Starts

funny thing happened to me while i was getting ready for today-no details; just "stop and starts"; finished reading the book by Julie Powell. about her writing a blog about cooking all the receipts in vol 1 of Julia Child...really a hoot. Her next book sounds kinda kinky in a good way...she tells her story of becoming a butcher! I guess you really have to love calves liver! Actually, I do. Last night I prepared a meal with pork and other yummy ingredients so I am becoming jc in my own way...a mini mini, was fun and I was really adventuresome about it all..a little video clip re julie, julia, etc.

Julie and Julia: My Year of Cooking Dangerously &

Mastering The Art of French Cooking, Volume One (Vol 1)

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Figs: Food for Goddess

I had figs today at the new UU in Vancouver...yummy...I love the grey film around these figs..

More Frames

Budha Framed

UU Principles

What do Unitarian Universalists believe?

UU congregations have covenanted to promote the following seven principles:
  • The inherent dignity and worth of every person;
  • Justice, equity and compassion in human relations;
  • Acceptance of one another and encouragement to spiritual growth in our congregations;
  • A free and responsible search for truth and meaning;
  • The right of conscience and the use of the democratic process within our congregations and in society at large;
  • The goal of world community with peace, liberty, and justice for all;
  • Respect for the interdependent web of all existence of which we are a part.

The living tradition which we share draws from many sources:

  • Direct experience of that transcending mystery which moves us to a renewal of the spirit and an openness to the forces which create and uphold life;
  • Words and deeds of prophetic women and men which challenge us to confront powers and structures of evil with justice and compassion;
  • Wisdom from the world’s religions which inspires us in our ethical and spiritual life;
  • Jewish and Christian teachings which call us to respond to God’s love by loving our neighbors as ourselves;
  • Humanist teachings which counsel us to heed the guidance of reason and the results of science, and warn us against idolatries of the mind and spirit;
  • Spiritual teachings of earth-centered religions which instruct us to live in harmony with the rhythms of nature.

A New UU

Had the opportunity to visit a new UU in Vancouver and I loved it....I want to return there; it felt more like Flag than any other UU I have been since I moved here...So I might do that for awhile--I will see....The minister is Rev. Mark Gallagher He is a social worker and is into Buddhism...

3 sweet gals

l,h, little 4 legged came by for an afternoon visit...just love them so much...

Saturday afternoon and evening

Had a great afternoon and night with m and her partner, their daughter and two other women friends; Vancouver reminded me a lot of Flag...Saw Judy Collins at the the Jazz and Wine Festival She is so beautiful, 70 years old, looks and sings like an angel...2 hours of non stop singing in a glorious setting.


Friday, August 21, 2009

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Today is a great Day

no words for today

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

All I Can Say Is


Monday, August 17, 2009

I Must: I Will: I Can: I :We: YES

And "what is that you ask?"....start doing my journaling with art again....pastels, water colors, ink, collage, yes, I viewed several demonstrations tonight on youtube and it gave me some additional motivation; now to get all my art supplies out into the more of j&J book, funny...nap..foot hurting more because I walked on it more...have to find a balance with not walking and walking...nite nite--l the pesto was "omg" and for good reason! a potential fund raiser for the bsw program....just was delicious. thanks, still have lots more...take a look at the star picture/photo tonight...the badlands in sd...what a picture!

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Cold Turkey

trying each week end NOT TO LOOK AT MY OFFICE EMAIL...hard but getting more used to it; I am really trying to have time with c and NOT THINK ABOUT WORK...too much. Getting my new apartment in shape; a little at a time that is...went to see l and family this afternoon; so sweet...just love them so much...thanks for all the goodies you all...reading JandJ book...funny! I think there is an optical illusion on the park by the looks like snow...white and fluffy..well work is a few hours away...time for sleep...nite nite

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Summer Graduation for Native PSU Students

Was honored to give the "welcome" last night to the 3 Native summer graduates; one family from Navajo...I have not heard that much "Navajo" since I left Flag... a guy name f who is male but really looks like a Navajo woman...9 members of his family came from the rez. One man was from Houch where my dad is seeing a family of Navajo's the eve of my dad's anniversary of his death was touching...I saw sheep in the San Juan Island the day he was born and now today is when he died in 1973!!!! Circles and more is a fall day for sure...much cooler. I read them a poem "Beauty All Around Me".

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Curtis Photo: If He Were Taking Pictures Today

Can I get a ride to Flag with you after we get back?

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Bird Houses--New Places to Reside

The Rain Came Back Today

gray, cloudy, rain drops, windy, bursts of the sun, rain puddles, rain coats, umbrellas-all the signs of "the rain is coming back....."; we still have some summer left but it feels like fall. Oh well I will be Arizona at the end of the month and will see lots of sun! Someone asked me if I was "homesick" today and I said "a little"...these art pieces are things I made while I lived in Flag...

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Piegons Dining at the Fountain

Oregon Coast---somewhere

I hope I can it out to the coast this summer...not too far away...any takers?

Fin, It's Over, Out of There, Bye, Bye, Adios...

Picked up everything at my other apartment over looking the River...bye bye...just a final walk through at the end of the month; r did a good job of a final, adios!

My Home in Flag

My house is located at the base of this mountain...almost can see it...yes, I get homesick once in awhile..but know it is in loving hands. It is known as "Mount Eldon" on the east side of Flag. My house is nested in the image on the far left side of houses clustered together near the walking path...I used to walk there. The distance mountain is referred to as the San Francisco Peaks...if you look really close you can see my car parked in the garage. Just kidding.

Monday, August 10, 2009

ok ok it is paw time--patience of course

Isn't this the cutest kitten you have seen H? Oh so sweet then she becomes FIRE.

Kitten Paws Unite for Freedom

A march of "imprisoned kittens" are getting consultation from h and l across the river; they are making "freedom flags" "posters with....'kittens willing to go at anytime'..."we will swim, run, crawl, walk, paw our way out of our captivity"...I think I get it the kitten from ms...just bought a new 5 qt steamer/pot from ms my my...we are on the same wave your new pretty! Just image when h graduates from high tall and full it will be just like h. later you all..."kittens live"

Sunday, August 09, 2009

His/Her story of Lovejoy Fountain

This park is named for Asa Lawrence Lovejoy, one of the first owners of the Portland townsite. He and Francis W. Pettygrove took part in the famous coin flip which decided whether the name of the new frontier town would be Portland or Boston. Pettygrove, from Portland, Maine won. Lovejoy was the director of Oregon's first telegraph company and was an active participant in railroad development in the Willamette Valley. Lovejoy Fountain Park, along with Pettygrove Park, is in what was known in the 1960s as the 'urban renewal area.' Both Lovejoy Park and Pettygrove Park were unnamed until the opening of the parks. The same coin that Mr. Lovejoy and Mr. Pettygrove used to determined whether our city would be called Portland or Boston was flipped to determine which park would be Lovejoy and which would be Pettygrove. The Lovejoy Fountain was designed by Lawrence Halprin, the well-known San Franciscan architect. The concrete fountain was installed in 1966. "The fountain wonderfully captures the spirit of Oregon's streams. Pouring in a sheet over the lip of the upper pool, the water is whipped into a foaming cascade as it splashes down over an irregular series of stairsteps and then out again into a placid lower basin." (The Oregonian, 7/28/66)
Just bought a new computer monitor---jazzy, high definition, wide, and more depth and intense colors...from a guy from the apartment complex...he even came and installed everything for me; not expensive either. So I also found some of my vacation pictures so here are a few. I really saw a camel on an island! "Mona"

Saturday, August 08, 2009

Saturaday Market--Park Blocks

Just a delicious treat---streetcar to the Market; more people watching and had a chicken tamale-then bought some new and different vegs to try out...some tiny purple eggplants, some chilies, peaches, and cherries...watched my Netflix tv series all afternoonMcLeod's Daughters - The Complete First Season...two sisters living in South Australia, family, friends, land, sheep, romance, breaking up---just another day in Australia or anywhere. So, going to my old apartment and getting my mail and bringing home some of the frozen food stuff...did I mention I was living in a tree house.!! Lucky lucky..thank you hp.

Saturday Morning and All Is Well

I SAW MY FIRST LEAF ON THE BALCONY...Woke up really early and then feel asleep until about 10:00 AM! Guess I was tired. A squirrel went up the tree a few minutes feels like fall today...cooler...lazy far...and I need it. I want it to be peaceful and quiet; not like last Saturday which was moving day...I have to still clean the apartment and not forget my mail is still coming to that maybe that is what I will do...another day in Portland...people walking to the later from the Charlotte's Tree House.

Friday, August 07, 2009

Living At a Crossroads

When I am sitting at my computer in the morning my view is filled with students, workers, kids, parents, dogs, etc walking across the park area by the Fountain...L and I walked over her from work the other day and teens were playing in the fountain...Backpacks, lunch bags, suitcases....cris-crossing every direction; today will be one week since I moved here..just love it. So peaceful and the green leaves are heavenly; shimmering in the wind; birds going in and out...what a fun place to be. So now off to my office.

Tuesday, August 04, 2009

My Own Tree House

This is my 4th day at my new apartment---each day gets better. My desk overlooks the city park with the Lovejoy Fountain so I basically view all of life from my window...this morning a man was walking his dog and he was doing treats...the dog was! jumping, running in circles, barking, catching a ball in the to watch; saw kids in the shallow part of the fountain; couples, singles, trios..walking, talking, singing, all sorts of behavior; this is a perfect place for me so I can be "social" but once removed...watching cooking programs, reading my email, and JUST MADE SOME MUFFINS....pre nesting instinct. Birds of a feather....starting to see a few. Mainly feathers...forgot to say, the streetcar is about 1/2 block from my apartment....thank to hp for this place and all my friends who helped me get here...yea team.

Sunday, August 02, 2009

Yesterday was Moving Day

What a day it was; the movers "Thunder Movers" were outstanding; one of the persons was Native from Wisconsin...they started at about 1:30 and we finished about 7:00 at my new home. KC, L,H, D were all here supporting the effort...amazing...we all went out for Mexican food and when we were done my poor right foot hurt so much...barely able to walk. Can't wait to see the doc about it. Went to First Unitarian church this morning; it was a special musical event; all the music directors of UU from around the country. Did I say: This place is beautiful. LHD came over today and helped me really get moved into my new home; Navajo rugs all hanging in different rooms; very stylish with LD's professional eyes for that sort of thing. L brought lunch over, they set up L's mom's dinning room table; very light wood; very complimentary with the rosewood floors; lots of angles, openness, windows everywhere, I look like I am living in a tree house facing east...had our first meal here...hotdogs; saw the sun come up this morning; birds, people walking their dogs, children by the fountain; a great city scape of peacefulness and 2 blocks from where I work! They left about 4:30 and I took a shower and feel asleep until 7:00 PM---my regular computer is not up yet so I am using my Mac...can't believe all the room I have; I have been wondering around looking at the SPACE and all the different rooms; with still more room to unpack my things. So, I am thrilled to say the least....thank you hp! It is a blessing. It is a blessing to have such wonderful friends too...Well nite nite...did I say it is quiet too. From where I am sitting now I can see the sunset reflecting off a window, pale pink with hints of blue. A nest for sure.