Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Orange Roses Only in Portland/Land of Water

I could not believe this but I found orange roses! This place is so amazing.

Mushrooms Everywhere!

I took several pictures of mushrooms; there were at least 10 types all in one place; I adore the color of mushrooms; so soft and smooth!

Purple Cabbage in Portland

We attended a local downtown farmer's market and I took this picture; I have NEVER seen purple cabbage----I hope you enjoy it too.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Art in Flower Pots, Woman on Canvas, and Birds on a Wall

While in Portland, my dear friend taught me how to make collages with Picasa2...playing with new link on the web. I still have not learned how to link to the page...more lessons are needed!

Dine' Beauty Way

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Home from Portland

wonderful time in Portland with my dear extended family, L1,D,H and 2 darling twin felines....amazing what h2o can provide when you have it....thank you L1.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

water everywhere; green everywhere

Sure glad to be in Portland with my dear dear friends/family d,l1, & h...and two darling cats...slept really good last night; over 8 hours! went downtown on MAX with h; we had a fun time; h is such a nice person and really funny to be around. my eyes are full of color, green, pink, blue, red, with all the flowers in bloom. Sure nice to spend some quality time with d,l1,h...walked to MAX this morning...about 7 blocks away from their house; very good for my walking schedule. had a tasty pasta dish with shrimp, halibut, mussels in lemon and garlic what a combination; had to walk even more after that dinner; love it here! UU starts tomorrow evening...lots of people riding their bikes and putting them on the MAX..Portland's light rail system---fun to ride and see all the different cultures and ages. Urban life is so amazing compared to has been sunny both days so far---even hot! Hard to believe...learned what a "steamer" was from h at starbucks on Pine Square downtown. nice to be on vacation with my dear family...

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Glowing Flowers

I am using photoshop and trying to experiment with the features; these flowers are bright pink and now their edges are glowing....maybe L1 can teach me more when I am in Portland....or maybe they look like Flag blackholes???? oh well...

Saturday, June 16, 2007

L1 in QC----what fun you must be having!

Just wanted a picture of QC for you L1....see you in Portland earlier next week. Each day is getting better and better....Safe travels.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

A Twinkle in Her Eyes

Today represents new growth and happiness for me. I walked this morning to the park and saw flowers blooming and birds flying...The picture of the new seedlings are so precious and hopeful....I can smile too. 1 month today!

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Amargosa--a must see

Make sure you see "Amargosa" about a dancer, artist, business women, elderjoy, and many other things of high quality and wisdom! Marta, a woman from NYC who transplants herself to Death Valley and develops and performs in an Opera House which she built....great photography, music, and very entertaining....a role model for women and change---

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Always be Ready for Unexpected Surprises!

Today two of my dine family members drove 4 hours (one way) to come and see how I was doing and to let me know I am loved....I am feeling so loved after a really hard weekend. What I am experiencing is being human and everything will be okay. As L1 said it takes some sharp edges and difficult times to get us to the joy on the other side.....wisdom from both L1 and L2 and b and s......and from my own "internal knowning"...L1 called me from her so much...thank you for being so kind to me....will see you in p pretty soon....soup sounds really good....thanks for the special "altered book" referral from L2....

Friday, June 08, 2007

Getting Ready to Move or Stay?

Getting ready for the UU garage/back yard/front street sale....went through many boxes in the Ascona Way garage....not much fun but a neccesity right now. Does anyone want some sofa pillows? Just kidding---they are in a box already....

Thursday, June 07, 2007

Art Journal Pictures

A time to reveiw...a time to heal....a time to listen....a time to be...

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Libra from a Buddhist Perspective

LIBRA (September 23 - October 22) This month there is support from a distance. The Sun, Mars, Saturn, Jupiter, and finally Venus, all help from their positions in other signs. You also may have some good insights as Neptune is well positioned, too. Basically go slowly and be positive. Things will work out just fine. Libra Buddhists keep life in balance. This month be mindful, positive, and helpful--qualities that are easy for a Libra Sun. (from

Sunday, June 03, 2007

In and Out of Grief

Define: Grief "Great sorrow or unhappiness" The word grief in several languages: Arabic: كآبَه، حُزْن، غَم Chinese (Simplified): 悲伤 Chinese (Traditional): 悲傷 Czech: smutek, žal Danish: sorg Estonian: mure Finnish: murhe French: chagrin German: der Gram Greek: θλίψη, ψυχική οδύνη Hungarian: szomorúság Icelandic: sorg, harmur Indonesian: kesedihan Italian: dolore Japanese: 深い悲しみ Korean: 큰 슬픔 Latvian: bēdas; skumjas; nelaime Lithuanian: liūdesys, sielvartas Norwegian: sorg, harme Polish: smutek Portuguese (Brazil): pesar Portuguese (Portugal): desgosto Romanian: tristeţe; supărare Russian: горе;скорбь Slovak: smútok, zármutok, žiaľ Slovenian: žalost Spanish: dolor, pesar, aflicción Swedish: sorg, bedrövelse Turkish: büyük acı, ıstırap

Friday, June 01, 2007

June, a time for growth and acceptance

I am so happy it is a new month; a full moon; lots of love surrounding me; praying for my dear friend, b and her upcoming medical issues. Aging is an incredible process---each part of my body, mind, spirit is changing and each observing each other on this long journey toward death....acceptance of the entire life cycle....acceptance of where I am now....acceptance of change in all forms from friendships, love ships, work, etc. I am just so happy it is June; in fact I have been up all night to get to midnight so I could write about the beginning of June at 12:10 for a good night sleep....with cozy cats and dogs ("the kids") whom i love and give me their unconditional love and acceptance. They live in the present moment and I need to learn that lesson this month.