Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Just think of an Austrailian Lesbian from the Outback

yep, that is what i said....just vision it for yourself; anyway....last night got together with 3 other women and our Spanish teacher at a local VERY HISPANIC restaurant (all the people speak Spanish; tv is on a Hispanic channel; Mexican food; Spanish newspaper; many local people who are all talking Spanish to each other)...yep, we went there and "tried to speak Spanish"---one of the very first things that happened was the woman who I thought was the best Spanish speaker in our group; who is a vegetarian ordered in Spanish "cheese crips with beef tongue"---it was so funny to say the least; someone caught the mistake and she RAN UP TO THE FRONT TO CHANGE HER ORDER...we all laughed soooooooooooooooo hard...instead of saying "veggies" she asked for "beef tongue" it happens to the best of us.... So, one more week of teaching...sure looking forward to our break...z over last night to work on the bathroom etc. He wrote me a very sweet thank you note for the gift certificate....a love of a human being! His mom did good! Received a special call last night...very sweet. Off to grade papers and etc. Have a nice day everyone....loved the Hawaiian dancers and spiritual singers and dancers, You deserve to have some rest and family love. L1.