Sunday, December 30, 2007
Laura's Maui Sea Shore Hands Filled with Art
Sure having fun tonight with all the techniques and tools that are available with a new friend said to me today "you alter anything"; I would have to say "yes, I do and I love it" this image was drawn with color pencils in Maui on her 10 day trip with her lovely daughter and hubby; it was on her blog site tonight so guess what "I altered it" ....what do you think L? I have started a new book with images of doors so if you have any please send them to me; my new symbol for the upcoming year....last year it was calendars but now it it DOORS.
Old Door (2007): New Door:2008
Very compelling week re future decisions..."All Good Things Must Come to an End"--new memories every day and re contextualization of my former life. The last day of the ironic....the opposite situation of last year...I took a workshop for the majority of the year called "A Year To Remember"; little did I know what the impact of this title would be to my own life; More like a "Year to Forget". Gave l2 a photo shop image of a mushroom coming up from the underworld and now it is glowing with life and diamonds; a new path from death to life. Thanks to all of you who have made my life bearable considering the depth of pain, hurt, disappointment this has been; the word trust will never be the same nor commitment. As I have stated several times "Never in a Million Years" did I think this would happen....boy/girl I was new life will be wonderful and my heart will heal...forgiveness is another topic, quite is a process. I have to forgive myself first as to all the mistakes I have made; promises I did not keep; nor love I did not show. going forward...that will be my lesson for this next year.
Thursday, December 27, 2007
ode to ecee
All I can say is thank you very much about million times....just finished with 2 more options re future. Since 7 am....later
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Merry Christmis--2007
I am happy today is going to be a memory tomorrow...went to c for dinner with t,a,b,etc.L3 called me this to talk with her...she is so interesting. had to leave c early since I had a terrible stomach ache...too much rich food. cleaned the house this am; woke up to cat pee in my bed...what a fun way to wake up; my eyes were not even started to do launry at 6 little tree is so sweet and has been very pleasant to look at for the last couple of lights are cute too. went to uu service last night at cc/that was so hard, I loved the music so that helped a lot...c and b were there; we all went to denneys for post service treats; the moon was beautiful...l1 called me from h today and I could hear the ocean in the background....I wore the medicine bag she sent me with the silver angel in was 7 months yesterday and I had a 2.5 hour meeting with her yesterday with hard. it will be over and and I will get through this too..i am loved and i love myself...nite
Saturday, December 22, 2007
In between time: Solstice (sun + wait)
Worry is not necessary. Spend an equal amount of time counting blessings. Start with your childhood. Take the time to remember to really appreciate each blessing, absorb it and think of all the good effects it has had on you and others. Don't overlook the ordinary. There are a thousand blessings in every moment, if you look. Each breath and heartbeat, every color, texture, taste, smell.A lifetime of blessings, beauty, love. Thankfulness is like water. Allow yourself the release, the cleansing, the quenching that gratefulness brings.
Mary Lee Bonasera Matthews : (from aliedwardsblog)
The last few days have been so hard emotionally for me and I want to bless all my friends [you know who u r] who have listened to me over and over again...trying to make sense (cents) of it...This poem is so true....this too will be over and I can get on with my own life as a loving independent person.
Monday, December 17, 2007
Medicine Bag
l1 sent me a beautiful medicine bag which is handmade of dark purple velvet with dark brown, green, orange, and blue beads with a round dark green stone surrounded with more colorful beads in the center of the bag; so yummy--it arrived on a day that has been quite scary, empowering, crazy--with surprises-I have had some fun talking with a new friend--lots of laughing and that is what I need! lots of love and support from my many angels....went to Target and bought 9.99 worth of kitchen items; got my 3 classes all graded and the grades posted! yea another semester done! i have to get the on-line class ready for spring but that should not take too long...ali gave me two presents to put under my tree...they look so beautiful...she is taking my car to pick up her son in Phx tomorrow---so I will have time to walk and do more fixing my house up....tiny things but everything helps..maybe take the bus to town and walk down there...clean my office? who knows; it will be and so will I.
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Luminaries in Flagstaff
Had a very nice day with a new friend; we talk a lot and laugh a lot; I want that in a friendship. We went to Late for the Train and I lost my hot chocolate; which seems unreal but it happened; saw the luminaries in a neighborhood on the west side; it was joyful to see all the lights, carolers, fires to keep the walkers warm; and real animals for the baby jesus story; horse, sheep, donkey, dogs. Flagstaff is so beautiful with the blue skies and our wonderful San Francisco Peaks all covered in snow. Went by my house on Talkington and passed it by--got lost and actually very good that we basically missed it...another time and my life is expanding in new and fun ways. Miracles happen everyday if we are open to them. I am pretty tired right now..nite nite..
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Appraisal Time & My Future???
This picture is from Zen Habits and the photographer is ania316; so it represents a very small house and the occupant looks happy; so this can apply to me too;
yesterday a woman came by to appraise my "hogan" and she called the bank with her appraisal fast they are working these, j will help me later and then the negotiations will begin....almost done with grading...bought art supplies this afternoon so I am really looking forward to "artbychar" time...nice to talk with l today. z called but I could not talk long at hopefully I will hear from him soon re the next projects...what a delightful person....still not getting my camera to transfer pix to this computer...darn it...oh well now maybe I will have some time to work on it...later hugs to l1 and nice comment!
Monday, December 10, 2007
Snow Time
Thank you HP for the wonders of snow....lots of snow....we love it; all except driving in it; slow driving for sure....I think I will be snowed in tomorrow so I got 3 continue to grade my on line classes; sure happy my other class is done.........I need to find someone who will shovel the snow around my car! or let it melt....kitty paws in the snow is so cute--Ophie sure wanted to come in fast when I got home tonight; I actually cooked a pot roast in the crock pot sure smells good when you open the door; so I was up t 6 am for some I am getting tired now. This image was taken last year but it looks like that snow! nite nite--l1 love your pictures from Santa Fe! smile
Saturday, December 08, 2007
Up to Art
The image of the Rose is not my is from a nationl artist and I did not take her name forgive me. In between grading papers and getting a final ready I am playing with art...what fun..I decorated my Holiday tree on Wed pm...very sweet; lights in the kitchen; lovely all around me...I can be happy and I will be snowed today and rained all day yesterday....thank you hp....i was using the treadmill last night and ruby's spirit was there--I looked on the blue couch where she used to sit and I saw an image of her (a flash of color); Libby was sitting by, I am not going nuts, at least not any more than usual. So off to go shopping with the crowds..mainly window shopping....later
Wednesday, December 05, 2007
Just think of an Austrailian Lesbian from the Outback
yep, that is what i said....just vision it for yourself; anyway....last night got together with 3 other women and our Spanish teacher at a local VERY HISPANIC restaurant (all the people speak Spanish; tv is on a Hispanic channel; Mexican food; Spanish newspaper; many local people who are all talking Spanish to each other)...yep, we went there and "tried to speak Spanish"---one of the very first things that happened was the woman who I thought was the best Spanish speaker in our group; who is a vegetarian ordered in Spanish "cheese crips with beef tongue"---it was so funny to say the least; someone caught the mistake and she RAN UP TO THE FRONT TO CHANGE HER ORDER...we all laughed soooooooooooooooo hard...instead of saying "veggies" she asked for "beef tongue" it happens to the best of us....
So, one more week of teaching...sure looking forward to our break...z over last night to work on the bathroom etc. He wrote me a very sweet thank you note for the gift certificate....a love of a human being! His mom did good!
Received a special call last night...very sweet.
Off to grade papers and etc. Have a nice day everyone....loved the Hawaiian dancers and spiritual singers and dancers, You deserve to have some rest and family love. L1.
Friday, November 30, 2007
I am so grateful that is started to rain has been too long...this morning we had fog surrounding our lovely, soft, and is raining....may all of our plants, trees, birds, 4 legged enjoy the RAIN. I do. Had lunch with a friend who I have known for 34 years..we were both social workers in Phx in the early 70's..she is very special...I appreciate her friendship and the support she has given to me. I actually have room in the garage to PARK MY CAR! This is a first, since we have had the is tight but it is IN THE GARAGE. Took out the Christmas boxes and started to put some items up...first I was not going to but I am going to so I will have my own memories of my home now....thank you to all my friends who have helped me get through this event. The blubs I planted for Ruby are starting to come up (green tips); I have them next to the coffee maker in the I look at them and have sweet memories of RUBY...z came by and started to work on some stuff--gave him a gift certificate re should go to a lovely sweet young couple who are starting their life together or whatever...his smile went from one ear to the other ear....he was very appreciative. so grateful to have hp send him my way...what a dear! IT IS RAINING, YEA
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Post Ruby Dubee
about this time last week I was holding r in my arms---what a sweety pie....miss her so much...someone asked me today if I was going to get another puppy and I said no. this is post-ruby days and I doubt if I will get another dog except for continuing to love Libby...r filled my heart and her presence is spiritual internet at home is not working so i called the cable company and they said my firewall was blocking it so now i am at jitter's using my battery is going...sprint overcharged me....blah, life does continue doesn't it...i think i will have to get another job or get a room mate...this entire event has caused me so much pain and dissappointment in t...i lost her and now i am loosing more and more each day....i just don't understand why i am the one getting all the hard times after lesson is to not get bitter and learn more each day about detachment and impermance of each minute and each day and be the love you want to share....i hope i can keep this in my mind and heart...z is coming over on thursday so that will be nice to see him again...he is putting in my fire alarm...L1, I love the pictures you have posted re your trip to sf....what fun...i was suppose to meet another friend here at 11 but she has not shown up..i hope i have the date cell phone and ipaq are not hot syning to my computer at home so my calendar stuff is all messed nice thing happened to day--i got a notice from my office that i will be getting a 24 in mac for my sbs office....that will be later from sad c and trying to understand...
Friday, November 23, 2007
This image made me giggle. I located a few of my earlier altered art pages and put them together; Bits and pieces from every where. Quotes, pictures, glue, stickers, drawing, clips, tin, stamping, crayons, paper, etc. Little did I know I would be showing these in my very own blog....yesterday c from sedona gave me two roses from the cottage; one is off white and the other is a blend of pink and light orange...she gave them to me re Ruby and my loss. She also gave me a small bottle of rose oil to take 3 times a day to help with my healing and loss. Thank you, c. A made a wonderful turkey and pork Thanksgiving dinner with all the treats...we all talked and talked---no TV at all! Just laughing and telling stories. So, this morning I have been getting my office together for future projects...of course, making more art. I cooked a turkey breast yesterday morning so I will have this new memory of the holidays and of course so I could have turkey for later. Today I made turkey soup with goodies. A house is becoming a home, my home. Thank you to Ruby, L1,L2,c, b, and all those not listed for all your love and support. Walking Out of November!
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
For Sweet Sweet Ruby
Ruby did not make it last night but passed away early on Wed morning. She went to sleep and her spirit left...I was able to be with her last night and put my arm and head on her face and said we loved her dearly. I thanked her for being her. My intitution thought she would not make to morning. This afternoon with b we watched the movie "Five People I knew in Heaven" and many of the major places in the film were called "Ruby"; so Ruby was letting us know she was with us...Ruby I love you and will always treasure your sweet, playful, cute, precsious,black and white short hair, long cute ears, the spots of black and white all over you, your affection, your love, cute barking, and running down the hallway with your ears flying and trying to get around the corner and sliding to catch up with yourself and everything else about you....i love u very much. May your journey take you far and wide and to all the places of love that you were to us. fly in beauty, ruby. Libby mises you and is looking for will always be in my heart! sweet sweet Ruby.
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
we love u Ruby---
well this has been a really hard day; our dear little Ruby is very sick; her immune system is not doing very well and she is bleeding internally; tonight will be the second nite she is at the hospital; she is precious---please say a prayer for her and her sweet spirit. Love to little Ruby...the doc said she is not hurting but is very tired. She will be at the vet's alone tonight so please think positive thoughts for her and her recovery. i lov u Ruby.
Monday, November 19, 2007
build a dream
hi--good evening---it was a tiring day from this am until now. prep for classes; sw faculty meeting; r has been not feeling well so I took to the vet this evening; she is staying overnight and having tests. sure hope she is ok. b came over after her class; helped me with the bathroom stuff; my fingers are so sore from dryness and work around here; it is like having extra big cuts from paper..ouch..more grief and tears...darn it will be 6 months this weekend...time heals but time also goes very slowly and fast all at the same time. holiday weekend and i will be spending the day with some friends..the image is from my play on Photoshop--sure like the brushes that copy "watercolor" on the edges; the image is really blue in the software but copied green...interesting process. nite nite
Saturday, November 17, 2007
NVC--for all---I wish
I attended an all day workshop on "Non-Violent Communication (NVC) at UU; several members from UU attended; it was very helpful in understanding my own needs and how to ask for what I need and focus less on how others are not meeting my needs. Came home and used my drill for the first time; c gave me instructions over the phone on how to put the drill into the unit; I did it! Then I took two screws out of the shelves above the toliet. The water has been running and I want to get at the toliet bowl itself...I tried lifting it up but it got stuck. Need to get some help tomorrow. Tried to put the fire alarm on the wall but could not get it done. Turned on the DVD and VCR and could not get them to frustrating...I want to do it myself but it was not happening tonight. l2 is out of town so I will not see her tomorrow...I am emotionally drained tonight; lots of feelings came up for me at the workshop on commication. The image is a template I got off the internet with some Photoshop enhancement....Good nite, be back tomorrow.
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
power into the future
This is totally amazing....I bought a POWER TOOL..that is a first! The image is a drill from homedepot....z taught me how to use it was used by him to put up my kitchen is so empowering to learn how to do all of this stuff for the house...making it a home! Ieven replaced the kitchen sink hose...just image me going around the house looking at each room and making decisions about how to fix is like a puzzle...putting all the peices together again..."remodeling my heart and home".
long day into the night and shopping in China
long day with preparation for class; teaching class, and then attending a 4 hour uu board meeting; I am tired and want a change--had a nice conversation with L1. Letterman is interveiwing Paris Hilton and he is making a fool of himself...she is strikingly beautiful...she is refusing to answer his questions re prison and he only wants to talk about it. He is being so rude! She has moved on and he doesn't want to talk about that--poor kid, so to speak. So, have a good night--all of the 45 minutes left before tomorrow. The image was taken a few weeks ago in China--it makes me grateful that I am four blocks from a Safeway---we are so lucky having all the resources we have...but what are we doing to others worldwide to make this happen??? food for thought....the photo is from the Heidi Swap's blog re her stay in China...thanks Heidi...
Sunday, November 11, 2007
today I am grateful
L2 is so beautiful and such a life saver----thank you very much, L. Had one kid in our RE class this am; he was so cute; a was able to keep the conversation flowing with appropriate "kid" talk; I remained for the second service as I wanted to hear my UU friends talk about their UU story==as usual fk was sociological and deep; r was funny; a youth was tearful about how she had to let go some of her teen friends due to their faith differences; she has been raised in uu; she is our future and I am so proud of her...what courage to get in front of all the adults and pour her heart out; ck was sweet and funny too; it is so meaningful to have a faith community i really love and actually remained for the second service; while i was walking around during our "coffee break" i was saying to myself---little did i know so long ago (most of my adulthood) that I would be actually teaching ra and feeling so accepted and loved at a "church"; UU is exactly what my head and heart needs! i am at my home and it is really taking shape with beauty, love, and attention. It is getting what I needed for a long time too. The Girls are with t quiet around here; so---thank you to all the vets who served our country in all the countless ways including t, of course. so totally vegging now and relaxing and not working but playing on my mac and watching channel me! good nite.
Tuesday, November 06, 2007
art is in the eye of the beholder2
Went to an wonderful art reception last night at the College of Business; e was showing her senior art project which included the clothes tags found in the back of our clothing from all around the world; she had dresses made out of these tags on live models (all formal-like); it was so creative, political, economic, and global--all at the same time. i hope she contacts some of the international corporations and shows her artwork to them; it is so powerful and timely;it is more evidence that the world is flat; she is a friend of z. the image I am posting today is what i made for her; she really does not know me but i wanted her to have something from me anyway....saw some ole friends at the reception. i wore my beautiful new pink coat for the occasion. i love art.
Sunday, November 04, 2007
Flagstaff Way
I really had a hard day today...the kids in RE were so talkative; they are our future for real. I like doing the RE with ah. UU passed "the vote". Thank you l2 for your kindness and big hug...the mock convention was playful, amazing, fun, and just entertaining...hillary only got 3rd place; O got 1st and Bill R got 2nd...what was a surprise...very close votes. I got a "B lied" t-shirt. Had a good conversation with c and then I came home. time for me to go to bed---long day with lots of feelings..
Saturday, November 03, 2007
i am having a heck of a journey right now!
Resentment---I have to pray about my feelings and let it go--also if I begin walking again I will feel the e and it will help me with my feelings of "Xovnerfihdfnj". The image I made today---c is blooming again on another journey at the center of her life; it will all be good---i am suppose to be in this right now---the kitchen is done and it is the color---surrounding me in warmth and loving caring hands! what a pal z has fortunate that he came via Hope! yes Hope, thank you so very much...i will be positive and let it go; the only person it will be hurting is YOU, CHAR...let it go...let hp.
Friday, November 02, 2007
post card from char
it is almost midnight and here I am again...talked with my dear friend of many years---e from p....she is so sad; just can't seem to get anything right--i wish her joy and hope...i have been playing on photoshop; took an hour class on digital photography today--I learned so much about my camera (i guess it is mine since t has not asked for anything over here--she just got up and left--all of it--)I am thrilled about my kitchen being so yummy...just love the soft cream color walls and pleasant lights--they all have dimmers on them so I play with them while I fixed dinner-yes, I actually made myself some cooked dinner! so, it has been a good day; lots of running around this am and afternoon; The Girls are back with me again...sure miss them! The image is considered A "freebie" from a online photoshop class I am taking; can't recall the person but want her to have credit for the image; however, I did add the message and the tiny square in the right bottom corner with the flowers. It is so playful in spite of it being love birds. I saw an ole friend today and she called me "a big ole sweetie"---It made me tear up...she is so cute and dear to so many people in flag...anyway....nite nite 5 min to midnight
Thursday, November 01, 2007
post holoween--
Last night I went to see the "Yard Dogs Road Show" downtown Flag...what a blast---two shows in one...the "real" show on stage and the "other show" re the costumes and activities of the audience..I danced afterwards with all the "youth"...sheer pleasure, joy, and LAUGHING ALOT! The following is the description from their website and they really do everything that is mentioned. If it is your town GO SEE THEM! What a treat--trick or treat, that is....ha ha ha
The Subtle and the Absurd
The Yard Dogs Road Show is a hobo cabaret, a living patchwork of vaudeville and rock and roll. In the enchanting land of stage show entertainment theirs is both pleasant and formidable terrain. They require a sensitivity to the subtle and the absurd. They lead the modern hobohemian on a visual and sonic journey through part of history that may or may not have existed – followed by an ambitious return to the emotional challenges of our punch-drunk contemporary world. It’s a true story on stage: sword swallowers, dancing dolls, fire eaters and sunset hobo poetry - all animated by the live sounds of the Yard Dogs cartoon heavy band. Yard Dogs Road Show is pure visual and sonic voodoo.
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
"this ole house": revisionist experience
up at 6:30 then off like a bolt of lighting...seriously...sprayed a curtin rod with white paint (from ugly black)(how exciting is that?)(and did not get any on myself); put all of the piles of leaves, wood, pinecones, litter, branches, more leaves, and more leaves (I think you have the picture)in trash bags (10 in all); (front yard); then cleaned all the pots on the front; dug 6 inches deep to plant bulbs for spring...that was really hard considering we have rocks 2 inches down...peat moss and bone meal to make the bulbs happy little campers until they come up; (it is like planting "hope" as my friend L1 would say--and she did on her own blog yesterday); washed screen door with 409..washed two screens for bedroom windows; did the laundry; are we done yet? all before 1:00 pm...then baked a variety of pototoes for lunch...yummy--then played on photoshop for some relaxation; z is still painting the kitchen; I hope I don't have to sell the house to pay is so pretty---yummy too. tonight my second Spanish class at, when am I going to prepare for class tomorrow? I guess at midnight tonight! oh well...sure having some fun making "this ole house" at least "middle age" now...that is suppose to be funny; t came over without calling me to pick up her mail and really liked the k---i hugged her when she I am all independent now! repairing and painting the house is an external representation of what is going on internally! (aren't I smrt?)(from don) to get ready for tonight. The image is from my photoshop class and it is a receipe for Navajo Fry Bread...not low fat or diet; to say the is getting colder, char go to class!
Cleaning my life
Spent most of day cleaning the house, outside, plants & pots, dishes, clothes, etc is a cycle and it never ends...around and around and is full of routines and more routines---plus class to even it all out! We need rain! HP help us. I selected this quilt from Hawaii when I went there last Feb with L1 and many others....I love the color and shape of it. nite nite
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Playing with Art: Again
I am taking 2 photoshop on-line classes at the same time (I have learned one is enough); however, one of them I really enjoy and have learned a lot of new techniques for photoshop images and my own the image I have today is from my experimenting with the new techniques; basically playing around after a very busy day: saw l2,UU, RA, townhall uu meeting; raked leaves in front (that was a new experience for me); then going to see "Michael Clayton" a fast moving movie with suspense until the very end! (popcorn too). I could not believe that a small coke was $3.50 --are they kidding! What a joke...anyway good day; warm and sunny--nite, nite...z have fun in lv if that is where u went! :) :)L1, I love the blubs; I am hoping to get to mine in the next few days...
Saturday, October 27, 2007
art is in the eye of the beholder
It is really a beautiful day outside---a warm fall day with the sun shining with leaves still falling. I have been altereding "art" cards all morning---need to start grading my 370 class papers in a few minutes. z told me that the color of yellow is for "healing" and that means so much to me...he is what hp sent to me to transition the ole into the new...a new kitchen and the center of any home; my home! The type of yellow is "cottage white" from Home Depo. Very warm, soft, and mellow---mellow yellow and it goes with the orange title back splash....yummy, yummy...
Friday, October 26, 2007
La Luna in Arizona
the kitchen is closer to getting finished; I even painted a little today; all of the plants, furniture,etc. are on the porch; C took me out for my bd this evening and a joined us. I am pretty tired so off to bed now...long day...nite nite
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
much better day
I having a much better day today; actually taking a Spanish class for the next 4 weeks at our local cc...11 students; played my first cross-cultural card game tonight in Spanish; UNO...buenous noches..
Monday, October 22, 2007
just a bad day
tears are a human's way to show others you are real....I am.i hope those in sw220 learn from my role was a hard day
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Playing Again with PS
Life is Full:Hannah Dau of L + D
ThesweetpictureisHthedauofl+d===whatabeauty===soluckytohaveherasasweetfriend;maythespiritblessu+keepusafe+protected... It has been a week since my bd...what a wonderful week; all kinds of extra surprises;satsaw"thejerseyboysintempeatgradygammage"withc+j pm+openedgiftsfroml1portlandwz; UU=prayers=hbsong=pinkcoat+surprisecardflowersfromts=ah+himmilayandinner=monday=ali&5wymenfriendsatjoesphines=bnfromtcatbrandysformybd===thenonwediwonaIPODrearaffleiwon!!!whatawildweekformy61birtday--atreattoseel22+iamblessedinsomanyways...evenlost3lbs!tonightiamdoingartworkandplayingonphotoshop...wenttosee"Elizabeth"+powerofwymn.nite.nite...thankstoeveryonewhohavebeenthereallmylife---socanureadthiscode?lastnitewenttosee"WhoseLineIsIT?"--laughterisenergyformysoul...gettingpainttoday[thatisanotherstory]...
Saturday, October 13, 2007
"Its my birthday and I will cry if I want to" OR NOT!
What a delightful day from the very beginning until now just before midnight; went to Tempe to see "The Jersey Boys" a play/musical about the Four was so much fun and the music sent me to another was a Grady Gammage, a building designed by Frank Lloyd Wright...the sea shell lights, the pink soft glowing rounded walls...what a treasure to see it. I went to see something years ago...I just love the design...had center seats 20 from the front---fabulous seats...went with 2 other very nice women, one from UU and a new person who works at a local elementry school. Got the names several books to read...saw fox on the way home; came home to B and Z and the girls. B gave me a sweet card and z was working on my kitchen...he is such a gentle soul...artist and musician..I asked him to stay while I open my gifts from l and he was fun sharing this with him...he is a very special person and I am lucky to know him. It has been a wonderful day....a new life is forming for me and it is good. So good nite everyone and know that I love you all...thanks for the cards, calls, good wishes and fun times; all day long...I am a very fortunate person. nite nite Happy Birthday...
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
true beauty
Tuesday, October 09, 2007
library--what a concept
considering my life has changed so drastically I am now using the local library; went there today and checked out two books on Photoshop and Elements...I did not have my library card so they said "you can use your ID one time only"; I wonder why they have that rule....oh was fun to see all the different people at the is actually a very good one...i have not been walking...need to get back to my daily steps...have no idea why I have not done it...i know i will get with it pretty soon....just do it char! z is coming tomorrow to work on mi casa. The Spanish class ended today at the adult center...I am starting another Spanish class at ccc on Oct 23rd...I think it will be more organized..I did learn some Spanish in this class and the teacher was very sweet. so, adios...
Monday, October 08, 2007
play time with photoshop
Sure had fun playing with my new toy, Photoshop...I will be taking another art class on-line beginning Oct 15th...I accomplished a lot today so I feel free to PLAY...anyway need to go to sleep now...lots of grading papers this evening; had a great study session with my students in SW220 this afternoon. Coffee with a at lunch. So, I am tired and want to sleep as I just c go to bed!
Saturday, October 06, 2007
repairing my house and soul
Attended an alllllllllllllllll day class at our local cc on home repairs for women; it was great; feel so empowered now; it was allllll day from 8 to 4!! So my head is swimming in new information and then this evening I have been working on my new Photoshop class on the web....the image I inserted is a desert plant/cactus with some photoshop changes via filters and artistic play functions; basically I am really learning and just playing around; the class on the web is a bit too advanced for me so it is much harder and really making me think---that's hard enough but to do it this late is another thing....anyway--nite,night--l1 I hope u are feeling better and getting over your cold. good night. The Girls are sleeping on the floor next to my cute.
Friday, October 05, 2007
laughter is food for the soul
Went to see Jerry Steinfield tonight at NAU; I was three rows back from the front in the center---actually saw him really close up...what an amazing person and his observation skills about human culture is extraordinary. His commentary about cell phones is worth the entire sides hurt I laughed so much....I need more laughter in my life! p and c were sitting behind me a few seats down, so fun to share the evening with them; then went to b party for awhile....home to play on photshop and my new web class! It is getting really cold now---want opie to come in the house but can't find her....I don't want her to be cold tonight...I know she will come back---The girls are with me now--sure miss them. They light up the house with their play and of course, barking and happy l is feeling better and not as sick as she was....nite nite....need to get up early tomorrow to take a class at CCC.
Thursday, October 04, 2007
an amazing journey
Just found this quote:
"The best day of your life is the one on which you decide your life is your own. No apologies or excuses. No one to lean on, rely on, or blame. The gift of life is yours; it is an amazing journey; an you alone are responsible for the quality of it". [Dan Zadra]
YOU GO GIRL, charlotte
a regular day in October
Art made my day playful, adventuresome, and creative; I began a new class on the web re learning more about Photoshop; it was hard and I had to keep emailing the instructor about the functions in layers. It took me several hours to complete just a couple of pages. "Learn as I go basically". L2 sent me a lovely note re "Gifts by Charlotte"; she also called me later in the afternoon; a called too; it rained and it was grey so I basically stayed home and enjoyed my was a regular October to live my own life as I feel! Darn it, someone just called and wanted to talk w t; darn it anyway...can't I have one day without being reminded of her especially today! I started to cry...........then I got mad! I know the triggers will not end but I am still raw. I have had 90% of my day as a play day so put it into perspective, Charlotte...."What was given to me? Be joyous in what you have, not what you lost. Thank you for all the gifts you have given to me.[charlotte]" it will never be this day again! Part of self care is to love yourself all the time. You are there for yourself always...Love in Beauty....c
Wednesday, October 03, 2007
Dearest Charlotte, I love you very much. You are a whole person! You are loving yourself by blogging....remember self-care is everyday. Tulips to be planted; paint the spaces blue; make art; celebrate your new life; divine intervention; let go and let love and let care....let others love you. is a time to free yourself of any doubt, anxiety, fear, anger, loss and be------------u. Thank you to l1,l2, d, j, m, e, l, c, a, b, c, d, t, uu....for all the love you have given me in the last few months; i am writing myself into the next day--it is my own bridge into my new and continuing life of self love, self care, and freedom. FREEDOM...Forgiveness...Forever----You. Sleep in Beauty, c
Tuesday, October 02, 2007
what a fun day in Flag
I walked for about 45 minutes on my treadmill and THEN I GOT AN IDEA! I would take the Flag bus to SBS--I had a meeting at 3:00 pm on south, my saga began:
1. walking to the bus stop (wrong one since I really didn't know which one)
2. correcting myself and asking someone how to get to the bus on rt 66
3. found the bus stop near Jack in Box...had a chicken pita...yummy
4. had to wait until 51 until the hour...or 1:00PM...
5. got on the bus---what lovey experience of hearing people taking with each other; me looking at the Peaks....wondering how this was going to turn out? smiling to myself---it cost .50ct one way + transfer ticket
6. got to the "turn around" near the other Jack in Box on the westside of town
7. walked over to the transfer bus re route 3
8. took it over to NAU campus (on the north side)
9. walked to NACRP and the office was closed! no M around and I was suppose to sign some paper
10. walked to Cline Library and caught the NAU bus to SBS; the women driving gave me the "the look" for not getting on at the right stop but she was kind to pick me up in the middle of the bus stop...I guess I looked kinda lost????
11. went to south campus and got off at SBS
12. walked to my office on the 3rd floor---played on the computer for awhile
13. drinking lots of h2o........
14. walked across to SBS west for the meeting; it took 3 minutes since everyone decided not to apply for the grant re youth!
15. walked to bus stop in the sbs parking lot and went to north campus
16. called m and she met me at the office to sign papers
17. she and her sister took me to San F south of Rt 66. (I thought the bus stop would be closer)---nooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
18. had to walk to Beaver and the C of Commerce---and wait............wait......wait
19. saw m drive by on her way back to get her niece...
20. lots of fumes from trucks and cars---when you are sitting at the bench you get the car fumes directly...a health risk that's for sure
20 A---forgot to mention "the loud train going by and going by and going by"
21. the red bus came (another .50 cents...and I went to Fanning going east; many more people at this time of day; many got off at 4th street; men of color (Navajo and Hispanic)
22. walked across the highway at Fanning and rt 66...very busy---kinda scary
23. walked norht on Fanning about 5 blocks up hill---I had lots of H20
24. got home about 4 pm....!!!
25. so my carbon footprint was reduced for the day....
26. now that I know how to do it and what to expect I want to do it again over 9500 steps today!
28. I was tired, hungry, and beat!
29. I was grateful for all that I have and know I am very privileged since I have such a beautiful place to come home to.
30. So this was my adventure only 1.00 for travel/transportation....
31. Saw the world from a very different was humbling.
32. "Baby Son" is walking all over the computer right good nite.
33. I bet I will sleep really good tonight...nite nite
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Walking Toward Beauty and Harmony
It is almost one week since I have "blogged"; it is fall now in Flag, much colder in the morning and even frost on my car window the other day; have not walked for awhile; don't know why; maybe a combination of cold in the am and the sun going down much earlier in the PM. So, tomorrow is THE DAY I WILL START WALKING IN ENERST! saw t this am; we hugged a few times; i cry when i see her. i hope she is happy now. it s going to take a long time to heal from this deep wound in my heart, life, and soul. On a brighter note I have had a nice young man z working on my kitchen; did i say "my" kitchen? he is installing new lights and two beautiful hanging glass lights over the island...he is such a gentle soul; just what the dr ordered. it will be finished in about one week. i have been working really hard for uu lately; we are planning an event in the next couple of weeks so it is taking more time than usual. t picked up the GIRLS today; it is so quiet without them around filling the house with their bouncy personalities and of course l's special barking; the CATS all three of them continue to be "just cats" and have such different habits and interests. it is "harvest moon" tonight...the tomotoes are dying; i want to plant bulbs this weekend; i know i am all over the place tonight....oh well..what are blogs for is my place to "talk" with myself and others.
Thursday, September 20, 2007
a few days without crying: a break through
Yes, it was 4 months on Monday and I have not cried yet....progress re letting go and letting hp do the rest; went for a long walk on Mt. Eldon this morning; windy and a bit cold but fun to be outside in the pine trees; really sorry I missed calling L1 on her birthday; I hope she understands. I decided not to go to Phx tomorrow (Thursday, or today???) and that is a relief. So, just checking in and getting ready to go to sleep in a few minutes; 12:49 AM...the basket is full of love for my dearest friend, L # 1....happy birthday and many more.
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Sunday, September 09, 2007
An Honor for Me
today at uu the uu board of trustees were installed...we all went up front and our dear minster w said our names and then asked us as a group would we be there for our fellowship/church....we all would say "I will" dear friends b and b were there and I appreciated their smiles and hugs. after the service r gave me some fresh green beans and someone asked me to go to the sfp next weekend...i felt STRONG and EMPOWERED. thanks to l2 for all of her loving support and practical ideas about my current situation. So all in all it was quite a day of spiritual blessings, love and support, and c being herself; walking in beauty! good nite
Thursday, September 06, 2007
Going Back to School & Teaching
when you go into a classroom you never know what to expect; you do your best to have anough material, feel confident that you know something but it still is nerve racking; Wed was the 3rd class for my intro class and the first one after a big holiday; so many freshman and I feel like I am a mother duck and imprinting the "social work" motto...upon them in some way...basically we are still in the honeymoon period but that will change pretty soon; so I might as well enjoy it! The pictures are a reminder to everyone what it is like to be in the classroom. So long ago for me! At least I don't have to wear black patent shoes anymore. I hope the German quote is ok for public viewing..Teach in Beauty.
Monday, September 03, 2007
What do these images have in common? THE SUN OF FLAGSTAFF! Went to Coconino County Fair this morning and volunteered for the Coconino County Democratic Party...such an interesting process; those who come by who want to visit, those who just ignore you, those who sit down and registrar, those with questions, those with children, those with smiles and those who just don't like us! Oh well....Left just before it started to rain; took the free bus from NAU to the Fair; that was fun...saw more friends. Riding the bus can be a fun event especially on Labor Day; someone even shared their carmel corn...Labor Day was established to celebrate the end of child labor! I did not know that; did you? c invited me over to her lovely house next to the golf course; saw woodpeckers, dalmatians, bulldogs, other birds and that was just the guests! The democratic party ran a mock election and when I left Hillary had 172 votes! It sure feels like fall in Flagstaff now...cooler, leaves starting to turn more tomatoe today.
Friday, August 31, 2007
My Garden!
This is hard to believe BUT I GREW SOME VEGS THIS SUMMER---i have 6 small pots on the back porch (WE ARE TALKING ABOUT FULL SUN!)...and the flowers bloomed into REAL TOMATOES! So far I have eaten 2 and it looks like another one is turning red and will be ready for harvesting by tomorrow...I have really enjoyed them and considering I DON'T REALLY LIKE TOMATOES...this is really funny! Who would have known? So, next summer here I come tomatoes and maybe other veggies too...I have heard about having a 'green thumb' but it seems I have a "red thumb"---ok, pretty poor joke...but still funny...sure happy August is almost over!
Sunday, August 26, 2007
just purchased a new "hot beverage system" formerly known as a coffee maker, for a single cup! no longer need to make 10 servings...took me a couple of tries but finally got it to gave me a mini mentoring session on the phone and viola it worked; also put together a lamp! my my char has some mechanical skills! So I would say I am ready for classes to start tomorrow....don't forget tomorrow there will be two moons...our earth moon and mars being at its closet ever! so, go outside and look at the wonders of our universe....we are so small and really nothing is that important...except to love one another and take care of our earth hogan.
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Back to School--a theme for this week
I started back at NAU; I will be teaching in the classroom two days a week; I have not been in the "traditional" face to face classroom for almost 3 years. I will be also teaching two classes on-line. Nice to see many friends at NAU today. It will be 3 months on Friday....grief work and more grief work...I hope school will keep me busy and not thinking so much about it. Started an 8 week basic Spanish language class at the adult center with b last week. That will be already, life goes on...............there is a semi full moon outside my home office window; I guess next week on the 27th we will be seeing "two" moons, Mars and Earth Moon getting very close ===I am looking forward to seeing that event. Space certainly puts my little situation into perspective. I have to keep remembering that I came from star dust and will return to star dust....thanks to everyone who has supported me in this know who you are and I lov you all....Libby is much better and so am I! Ruby and Lib are both sleeping by my feet in my office at cute. Lov them both! Until the next time---walk in beauty
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Goodluck Symbols
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