This image made me giggle. I located a few of my earlier altered art pages and put them together; Bits and pieces from every where. Quotes, pictures, glue, stickers, drawing, clips, tin, stamping, crayons, paper, etc. Little did I know I would be showing these in my very own blog....yesterday c from sedona gave me two roses from the cottage; one is off white and the other is a blend of pink and light orange...she gave them to me re Ruby and my loss. She also gave me a small bottle of rose oil to take 3 times a day to help with my healing and loss. Thank you, c. A made a wonderful turkey and pork Thanksgiving dinner with all the treats...we all talked and talked---no TV at all! Just laughing and telling stories. So, this morning I have been getting my office together for future projects...of course, making more art. I cooked a turkey breast yesterday morning so I will have this new memory of the holidays and of course so I could have turkey for later. Today I made turkey soup with goodies. A house is becoming a home, my home. Thank you to Ruby, L1,L2,c, b, and all those not listed for all your love and support. Walking Out of November!