I attended an all day workshop on "Non-Violent Communication (NVC) at UU; several members from UU attended; it was very helpful in understanding my own needs and how to ask for what I need and focus less on how others are not meeting my needs. Came home and used my drill for the first time; c gave me instructions over the phone on how to put the drill into the unit; I did it! Then I took two screws out of the shelves above the toliet. The water has been running and I want to get at the toliet bowl itself...I tried lifting it up but it got stuck. Need to get some help tomorrow. Tried to put the fire alarm on the wall but could not get it done. Turned on the DVD and VCR and could not get them to work...so frustrating...I want to do it myself but it was not happening tonight. l2 is out of town so I will not see her tomorrow...I am emotionally drained tonight; lots of feelings came up for me at the workshop on commication. The image is a template I got off the internet with some Photoshop enhancement....Good nite, be back tomorrow.