up at 6:30 then off like a bolt of lighting...seriously...sprayed a curtin rod with white paint (from ugly black)(how exciting is that?)(and did not get any on myself); put all of the piles of leaves, wood, pinecones, litter, branches, more leaves, and more leaves (I think you have the picture)in trash bags (10 in all); (front yard); then cleaned all the pots on the front; dug 6 inches deep to plant bulbs for spring...that was really hard considering we have rocks 2 inches down...peat moss and bone meal to make the bulbs happy little campers until they come up; (it is like planting "hope" as my friend L1 would say--and she did on her own blog yesterday); washed screen door with 409..washed two screens for bedroom windows; did the laundry; are we done yet? all before 1:00 pm...then baked a variety of pototoes for lunch...yummy--then played on photoshop for some relaxation; z is still painting the kitchen; I hope I don't have to sell the house to pay him....it is so pretty---yummy too. tonight my second Spanish class at ccc...so, when am I going to prepare for class tomorrow? I guess at midnight tonight! oh well...sure having some fun making "this ole house" at least "middle age" now...that is suppose to be funny; t came over without calling me to pick up her mail and really liked the k---i hugged her when she left...so I am all independent now! repairing and painting the house is an external representation of what is going on internally! (aren't I smrt?)(from don)...off to get ready for tonight. The image is from my photoshop class and it is a receipe for Navajo Fry Bread...not low fat or diet; to say the least...it is getting colder now...so, char go to class!