Went to see Jerry Steinfield tonight at NAU; I was three rows back from the front in the center---actually saw him really close up...what an amazing person and his observation skills about human culture is extraordinary. His commentary about cell phones is worth the entire ticket...my sides hurt I laughed so much....I need more laughter in my life! p and c were sitting behind me a few seats down, so fun to share the evening with them; then went to b party for awhile....home to play on photshop and my new web class! It is getting really cold now---want opie to come in the house but can't find her....I don't want her to be cold tonight...I know she will come back---The girls are with me now--sure miss them. They light up the house with their play and of course, barking and running....so happy l is feeling better and not as sick as she was....nite nite....need to get up early tomorrow to take a class at CCC.