I walked for about 45 minutes on my treadmill and THEN I GOT AN IDEA! I would take the Flag bus to SBS--I had a meeting at 3:00 pm on south campus...so, my saga began:
1. walking to the bus stop (wrong one since I really didn't know which one)
2. correcting myself and asking someone how to get to the bus on rt 66
3. found the bus stop near Jack in Box...had a chicken pita...yummy
4. had to wait until 51 until the hour...or 1:00PM...
5. got on the bus---what lovey experience of hearing people taking with each other; me looking at the Peaks....wondering how this was going to turn out? smiling to myself---it cost .50ct one way + transfer ticket
6. got to the "turn around" near the other Jack in Box on the westside of town
7. walked over to the transfer bus re route 3
8. took it over to NAU campus (on the north side)
9. walked to NACRP and the office was closed! no M around and I was suppose to sign some paper
10. walked to Cline Library and caught the NAU bus to SBS; the women driving gave me the "the look" for not getting on at the right stop but she was kind to pick me up in the middle of the bus stop...I guess I looked kinda lost????
11. went to south campus and got off at SBS
12. walked to my office on the 3rd floor---played on the computer for awhile
13. drinking lots of h2o........
14. walked across to SBS west for the meeting; it took 3 minutes since everyone decided not to apply for the grant re youth!
15. walked to bus stop in the sbs parking lot and went to north campus
16. called m and she met me at the office to sign papers
17. she and her sister took me to San F south of Rt 66. (I thought the bus stop would be closer)---nooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
18. had to walk to Beaver and the C of Commerce---and wait............wait......wait
19. saw m drive by on her way back to get her niece...
20. lots of fumes from trucks and cars---when you are sitting at the bench you get the car fumes directly...a health risk that's for sure
20 A---forgot to mention "the loud train going by and going by and going by"
21. the red bus came (another .50 cents...and I went to Fanning going east; many more people at this time of day; many got off at 4th street; men of color (Navajo and Hispanic)
22. walked across the highway at Fanning and rt 66...very busy---kinda scary
23. walked norht on Fanning about 5 blocks up hill---I had lots of H20
24. got home about 4 pm....!!!
25. so my carbon footprint was reduced for the day....
26. now that I know how to do it and what to expect I want to do it again
27...got over 9500 steps today!
28. I was tired, hungry, and beat!
29. I was grateful for all that I have and know I am very privileged since I have such a beautiful place to come home to.
30. So this was my adventure today....plus only 1.00 for travel/transportation....
31. Saw the world from a very different perspective...it was humbling.
32. "Baby Son" is walking all over the computer right now...so good nite.
33. I bet I will sleep really good tonight...nite nite