What a delightful day from the very beginning until now just before midnight; went to Tempe to see "The Jersey Boys" a play/musical about the Four Seasons...it was so much fun and the music sent me to another place...it was a Grady Gammage, a building designed by Frank Lloyd Wright...the sea shell lights, the pink soft glowing rounded walls...what a treasure to see it. I went to see something years ago...I just love the design...had center seats 20 from the front---fabulous seats...went with 2 other very nice women, one from UU and a new person who works at a local elementry school. Got the names several books to read...saw fox on the way home; came home to B and Z and the girls. B gave me a sweet card and z was working on my kitchen...he is such a gentle soul...artist and musician..I asked him to stay while I open my gifts from l and he did...it was fun sharing this with him...he is a very special person and I am lucky to know him. It has been a wonderful day....a new life is forming for me and it is good. So good nite everyone and know that I love you all...thanks for the cards, calls, good wishes and fun times; all day long...I am a very fortunate person. nite nite Happy Birthday...