It is almost one week since I have "blogged"; it is fall now in Flag, much colder in the morning and even frost on my car window the other day; have not walked for awhile; don't know why; maybe a combination of cold in the am and the sun going down much earlier in the PM. So, tomorrow is THE DAY I WILL START WALKING IN ENERST! saw t this am; we hugged a few times; i cry when i see her. i hope she is happy now. it s going to take a long time to heal from this deep wound in my heart, life, and soul. On a brighter note I have had a nice young man z working on my kitchen; did i say "my" kitchen? he is installing new lights and two beautiful hanging glass lights over the island...he is such a gentle soul; just what the dr ordered. it will be finished in about one week. i have been working really hard for uu lately; we are planning an event in the next couple of weeks so it is taking more time than usual. t picked up the GIRLS today; it is so quiet without them around filling the house with their bouncy personalities and of course l's special barking; the CATS all three of them continue to be "just cats" and have such different habits and interests. it is "harvest moon" tonight...the tomotoes are dying; i want to plant bulbs this weekend; i know i am all over the place tonight....oh well..what are blogs for anyway...it is my place to "talk" with myself and others.