Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Merry Christmis--2007
I am happy today is going to be a memory tomorrow...went to c for dinner with t,a,b,etc.L3 called me this am...fun to talk with her...she is so interesting. had to leave c early since I had a terrible stomach ache...too much rich food. cleaned the house this am; woke up to cat pee in my bed...what a fun way to wake up; my eyes were not even open...so started to do launry at 6 am.....my little tree is so sweet and has been very pleasant to look at for the last couple of weeks...my lights are cute too. went to uu service last night at cc/that was so hard, I loved the music so that helped a lot...c and b were there; we all went to denneys for post service treats; the moon was beautiful...l1 called me from h today and I could hear the ocean in the background....I wore the medicine bag she sent me with the silver angel in it....it was 7 months yesterday and I had a 2.5 hour meeting with her yesterday with w...so hard. it will be over and and I will get through this too..i am loved and i love myself...nite