l1 sent me a beautiful medicine bag which is handmade of dark purple velvet with dark brown, green, orange, and blue beads with a round dark green stone surrounded with more colorful beads in the center of the bag; so yummy--it arrived on a day that has been quite scary, empowering, crazy--with surprises-I have had some fun talking with a new friend--lots of laughing and that is what I need! lots of love and support from my many angels....went to Target and bought 9.99 worth of kitchen items; got my 3 classes all graded and the grades posted! yea another semester done! i have to get the on-line class ready for spring but that should not take too long...ali gave me two presents to put under my tree...they look so beautiful...she is taking my car to pick up her son in Phx tomorrow---so I will have time to walk and do more fixing my house up....tiny things but everything helps..maybe take the bus to town and walk down there...clean my office? who knows; it will be and so will I.