Worry is not necessary. Spend an equal amount of time counting blessings. Start with your childhood. Take the time to remember to really appreciate each blessing, absorb it and think of all the good effects it has had on you and others. Don't overlook the ordinary. There are a thousand blessings in every moment, if you look. Each breath and heartbeat, every color, texture, taste, smell.A lifetime of blessings, beauty, love. Thankfulness is like water. Allow yourself the release, the cleansing, the quenching that gratefulness brings.
Mary Lee Bonasera Matthews : (from aliedwardsblog)
The last few days have been so hard emotionally for me and I want to bless all my friends [you know who u r] who have listened to me over and over again...trying to make sense (cents) of it...This poem is so true....this too will be over and I can get on with my own life as a loving independent person.