Thursday, January 01, 2009

I heard a litte rumor that it is: NEW YEAR'S DAY

Good afternoon everyone...including c who is sitting at my desk. My dear friend e from pa called this am and we talked a long time....called another friend in flag, b and we talked and is raining outside (much better than raining inside I always say). this grey sky is more like a "hazel grey today"; like in the artic there are over 800 words for ice--well I think there over 100 shades of grey in Portland...not that I am missing BLUE SKIES. So, brought in the New Year very softly and gently...candles lit and sweet thougths. Listening to all the cd's l gave me for Christmas. Staying home today and really enjoying being with myself. So, hello 2009 and thank you to 2008. May everyone around the world walk in beauty, c