Saturday, December 19, 2009

Into Our New Building---6th Floor

It is will change the dynamics and chemistry of everything and it has already done that to some extent. Having s and m so close re the program is wonderful and having l around the corner is going to be fun....all very supportive, kindness and some fun too. Having the other undergraduate program in same area is helping already...we all "get it"...I basically want to forget about earlier in the week...hope everyone has a good break...the university will be on leave until 12/ a nice break for me....lots of people feeding the birds by the fountain much fun to watch...been cleaning my apartment all morning...making some headway...want to get to the other bedroom tomorrow depending on how much energy I is a mess.. want to start doing my art work again...get my container bigger--as s said Buddha said. "if you put 1 tablespoon of salt in a small glass you can't drink it but if the same amount goes into the ocean one can swim in it"...get my container bigger and filled with joyful people around lesson is to let go and let goddess....put my printer on a new table and it really looks much better....s is sitting on my keyboard...she is so pretty....wild...and sweet...