It is unreal...I think sp is "an empress with no clothes"..this is not meant to be sexist but an analogy from a children's story...she is empty but everyone thinks she is full.(I think she is "full of it") The pix are of the city hall where she was first elected with 907 votes. Aren't we lucky.This town is 12 miles by 11 miles and that equals to governing the USA??? As I said somewhere else early today. McCain picked a woman to fight his battle; I thought he was the one with the gun and went to war, but no he has to "use a woman" to do what he can't do; leave the work up to the woman. She is exactly what the r want...a flea getting lots of recognition and making enough "GAS" to take the conversation off mccain...mccain talks about "change" but he is from the party that caused all the problems...they are so messed up...they will continue to do what they have always done; be the owners of everything and make others have to pay them MORE. ...so basically it is TIME TO GET REALLY ACTIVE FOR bo. Some good news is that last night after sp talk the demos raised 10 million and the rep raised one million...we are in a civil war and they will not win. The other pix are from the governor's website; a picture of a banner of well wishes for their new baby...mixing personal and government on her web page; other pictures of her on her website...she will be able to hunt for deer in DC....good nite--unreal...actually what planet am I living on now? That is the real question.