up at 5:30 am and walked on the waterfront for about 40 minutes...finally got sleepy and went home and slept. Then did my laundry at a place I found a couple weeks ago and I feel safe there to do it myself--lots of room, clean, owned by a nice couple who speak in a language I don't understand; *she runs the place--just can tell with the tone of her voice+..anyway continued to read bo book...amazing story. then off to drive around...ended up on Belmont Road and a street fair...had a blast seeing all the fun stuff, many people, hot, just fun! had lunch...heard drums from Guana...then came back to my little "hogan" and went to the waterfront again and saw the last of the dragon boat races...what a great place to live; I am feeling better. my dear friend, b called from Flag lots to talk about...miss her. so off to Oceanside tomorrow for a PSU retreat starting Monday so we can play tomorrow. Need to pack early am...playing on the web and working on my new art journal...just having fun...yea, I might even smile soon!!!!! no internet or cell phone at the condo from Sun to Tuesday..that will be interesting...oh well...good nite l, h, and d. and of course your cute 2 cats and 2 dogs....lov you all. (saw this painting at Amanda Blake's web site art...it is called Charlotte something...love the image with the horse...thanks for the site referral L.