so many quilts and not enough time...i took many pictures but can't seem to figure out how to sync with my i-phone...pretty good day. GOT MY GLASSES FIXED. A nice young man came by my apartment and worked on my computer and got most of my problems fixed...in the world of the computer that is. going to purchase a wireless modem tomorrow so i can get internet on my new macpro...got my backup drive working...so he was very good and not expensive at all...i gave him an extra big tip....!!! now i have someone to call who will come over and make a house visit for my computer woos. lots of house/home stuff for tomorrow...shopping, cleaning, etc. etc...my plan with f did not go too well this week...if my plan with f is scored my score was 3 and it was 10...i lost. thanks to l for inviting me to see the quilts in north Portland...j is fun to be around too. the statue is of a "stereotypical Indian" in Paris...the Lakota hollywood gets around does he?