First, the "Believe" quote is from Obama...and the other azul gato is from a new site L told me about "gennies"...I was visiting interesting sites tonight and came across an NPR story with a social worker from NYC, age 31...Julio Diaz...who was interviewed for their stories for their folklore project. The interveiw made me cry....he was a student of mine at NAU. We actually did not have a very good relationship at that time but I am so proud of him and his character, honor, truth, friendship with others, and ability to hear with his heart and act with his words. the link is "A victim treats his mugger right" at NPR. I also gave my dear friend l1 a book about "oscar" and I decided to learn more about the author, Juniou Diaz whose name I actually put into google and the story about our Julio came up as the first "hit"...NPR has a really profound interview with the author Julio Diaz about his book. I want to use it for my Diversity and Social Justice class...or read from it anyway...it touched my heart. Now I want to buy the book for myself...the interveiw was at iturnes under podcasts...what a machine the internet is...our circle within circles...we need these connections so badily. I had a great day with my friends at the PSU picnic...I have been laughing more each day...I am getting to be more like my "ole self" as my friend Ali said this morning from Olympia...laughter is food for my soul...good nite