i am here again...my relationship with food...it has captured me again, with my consent, of course. so, i will start another relationship after i have dinner...the true addict comment... afterwards....yes, i am addicted to food. it will fill me up, my losses, my saddness, my grief, my my me me me...yes, the hole in my spirit. Today the sermon was outstanding....all the different people who have lived on earth have given us over and over again the message of truth...we are love, when i love myself that is my spirit presenting itself through my flesh...as Marilyn said a few weeks ago...well my flesh is large and there is lots of cells to give love; i have to love myself with that same sense as i love others....go within, char. yes, you have had great loss but that is the truth and it will not change no matter how many "food items" you eat....it is a place I have been so many times in my life so i guess i still need to learn my lesson and accept myself with love with love toward myself...saying no will not hurt anyone and it will give you life. just did lots of art...messy...watched the river with raindrops and then later the rainbow over the bridge....earlier today i went to the "Race for the Cure" at the waterfront downtown...45,000 people walking, running, rolling, crying, laughing, playing...it was the first one i had been to. i did not walk in it but wanted to see it and i did. it is a goal for next year...for me to walk toward...walk toward my own health. thank you for s who overcame her cancer in her arm, bless all the people who live on the hopi and navajo reservartion who have had breast and cervical cancer, both those who have gone to the other world and those who are will us today..love to l who had suffering in her voice earlier today. love to uu, psu, our new students, the new faculty, the new life, and all the change of seasons...lov to those who are in flag, l2 and so many more people i miss. many new doors to open and close.