Monday, July 14, 2008
Welcome to the Week
not too much but starting to feel a bit better; more energy; still coughing and will be on meds for several more days; LOSS...dealing with it in so many ways; so I guess my body is saying "Char you need to rest and sleep"...I miss is hitting me more each day...just a simple task as washing my clothes..went to the apartment laundry room early this am and then proceeded to lock myself keys were returned pretty soon and I could get into my apartment and got ready to go to, just the basics---seems like everything is a big real shopping here so have to go to other side of the river..and get lost...again...miss my house! My I guess this is the "other side" of the coin about moving...ying and yang....ALWAYS HAPPENING. And on top of all all left foot and the back of my left knee are hurting so walking is quite limited....can't wait to get my health care at Kaiser started so I can get that evaluated. Portland is no place not to be able to walk. I think what happened is when I first arrived here I walked my heart out everywhere and I hurt my foot with all the steps so on one hand it was good but now I am paying for it. Went out of town today with a phd student, c to Salem and saw Mt. Hood in full force. Visited the Indian boarding school there. Very nice person! So, that's my ho....oh well tomorrow will be better....