In the last couple of days I have been meeting new people at various events. NA professional network group last night with k, was introduced to about 15 new people, some individuals from nicwa...a couple men from the Dine rez....today I visited an elementary school west of here (about 40 minutes) and went into several classrooms from kindergarden to fourth grade, primarily Latino/as children...I loved being there and even sat next to a fourth grader who was reading Spanish. I told him I had to repeat the 4th grade when I was a child; then he said "that's why I am going to summer school"---I even remembered some of the Spanish I learned in my class in the spring semester. Went with another professor from the university and he took me to a Latino grocery store with a Mexican deli...so good to eat real Mexican food, reminded me of Flag...then surprised d and l this evening with a "social worker home visit"---they are leaving tomorrow for Wyoming for a week. We all had dinner at Village Inn...just love them all. I am so lucky to have their friendship and love. I bought a RED hat at Walgreens this afternoon...sure fun to wear....because I can! ....tomorrow kc is giving a little dinner for me at her house with about 8-10 people ...and yesterday at lunch went to another function to meet child welfare workers from around the state; talked about the new BASW program...so busy getting connected to the Portland area from all directions. I am certainly feeling welcomed but I am starting to get homesick too. so..l2 called tonight and will not be here until next Thursday, so hoping we can get together but that may not work out. I am the one in the blue outfit in the pix...if you forgot what I look like these days....