I bet none of you have seen me in this outfit. No I am not going into outer space just getting my hair done.
This week went quickly between being at the office learning all about my job and continuing to be sick and getting worse...now it is bronchitis. I hope when this is all over I will be feeling much better and can get some energy. Very lovely people and lots of support. Everyday I am meeting new people and I know this will continue. This place is huge is so many ways. Staying home today because I have a doctor's appointment re my continuing cold stuff. So enough about my physical condition. Hopefully I will feel better so I can do some fun stuff over the weekend. On top of all this my office at work has been really hot and I actually can't really be in there even with a fan so I have migrated to the prior acting director's office where it is much cooler. Also there are many files I have to review there anyway so it worked out for me. L1 miss u. Saw 2 eposides of JA last night. Loved being with your kitty cats again.