went to b house for an all day work retreat; i enjoyed hearing everyone re their program and what they are proposing to do re the "diversity" issue. i talked a bit re the basw program and just want it to get started; so many unknowns still. it has not even been a month since I started and much of it i was sick....so still in orientation and observation part of my entry phase. lots of support for it to be successful which is good. i still need to get my feet on the ground and learn more and more. also, i need to work on my class which i have not taught before....so, tomorrow i am going to the market and the library and get a book then off to look for some stuff to hang in my office then to l,d,h re "MOVIE WATCHING" and some r & r. a big meeting i thought i was having is Tuesday and not Monday so that helps me a bunch with my weekend planning....will be getting my first pay check from psu next week so that will be a check on reality and what and how i can manage that new part of my life of being paid once in the month...this move was a lot more expensive that i had ever anticipated so that is going to take awhile to recover from.... thanks that many activities in Portland are free or pretty inexpensive. happy fishing d. guess who that cute girl is...??? she is a sweetie.