Mainly stayed home this am then went to the Pearl district for lunch then "the hunt" for a new place that I saw a couple of weeks ago that sold furniture...well, I took the streetcar and basically was lost but eventually found it with the help of some kind person; leather chairs and more leather chairs...too much for my small apartment so the hunt continues. Spent most of the day with h yesterday and we went to t and i....she is fun person to be around. L1 made me dinner at her house then I went home. I am getting most of my stuff put away....OH my new queen size bed arrived. It is wonderful and to actually sleep in it is great too; it is very high so I have to jump to get into it...not that bad but kinda high. Just trying to figure out what kind of headboard I really want. so I have been piling up the steps that's for that will help me with sleeping better and more balance in my life re other issues I am dealing with...I mainly need a desk first then a chair...had an all day orientation at psu re my benefits on Monday...need more time to decide which is the best plan. so that is it for right now. happy trip to l with her dad in Az. a may be moving to here or up north...will be nice to have her closer. The pix are from my trip to Portland and walking around....funny