yes, today is the day I had my cable/Internet installed; he even set up my computer with the help of h. it is sunny today and i can see the moon and Mt. Hood; I mainly see the base because the top is obscured by the bridge...clear blue sky; how these days will be treasured in the coming years/months. l took me shopping at target for home stuff; it was fun being with her; she is so supportive and loving...accepts me totally. my computer is set up on the wall facing the north and on my right is the east doorway out to the balcony. can see all types of activity from this view point. little kids playing in the pond with gold fish; walking dogs; aroma of steak from a restaurant downstairs; lots of people out for a walk. I walked 9453 steps yesterday so my feet are really hurting today; i need to take care of my feet because I will be doing a lot of walking here; the positive side effect is that i slept really good last night until 8:00 am....h helped my unpack today and we got all the drawers lined with fancy paper; she was a big help then l joined us later and we went to her house for some late afternoon treats (cheese, crackers, apple and lemonade); i would generally agree i live in a paradise outside of my apartment and the inside is beautiful too; got a lot unpacked last night and today with help of h. what a treat to come home to every night...I can't believe it. and target was very happy i came by today! i feel like i am living next to a "movie" "on the river front"---watching all the changes each minute; each time i look it is different; light, river colors, shades of green, temperature....what a treat.....thank hp.