This is the streetcar I will be using to get to work....just up the hill to psu.....Just happy to be here! so many choices...i feel like i am in a candy store and can't decide what to do (if that has ever been a problem)...be patient it will all be wonderful; my new job is going require me to be very active and visible so this will be a change; just be patient with yourself charchar...my new Internet is so much faster---it goes! new keyboard---to help me with my hands and give me some ease...getting already for my new life at psu. used my new microwave and had a good bkfts...coffee was wonderful too. So, off to do more unpacking at home then my new office....what fun this is! I wanted a new life and now I am getting into my new life....thank you to everyone who has helped me get here...lov u all....