Well, I made it today. I arrived in Portland at 3:30 pm after 1,337 miles from Flag. What a trip. First night in Las Vegas, next day drove from LV to Susanville, CA via Reno...600 miles! The third day I drove from Susanville to Ashland, Or. Crossed into Oregon at 1:00pm. Saw sea gulls in the morning, fog at noon, and a play at night...while in Ashland I saw two plays and two mini concerts on the "green"...first night stayed at the Ashland Spring Hotel (historic hotel, was the first sky scrapper between Portland and San Fran in the 20's); I was on the 6th floor in a corner room; walked to the theatre one night; called a and k the next morning and stayed with them the second night in Ashland. So much fun with them; went to another play that afternoon;...so getting off on the right foot; seeing plays and listening to music...what a wondrous welcome to Oregon. Got to Portland today and got my keys to my new apartment...went to dinner with l,d, and h then we came over to see my new place and we all got wowed...with the view of the river...tried to image my furniture in the two rooms; it is bigger than I remember; the accent color in the lr is a rust/reddish (very southwestern hue)...then we went to the floating restaurant and had dessert..saw the Chinese boats practicing for the celebration mid June. Saw geese and ducks, a Lilly pond from my windows..what a fun place this is going to be with my dear friends, l1, d, and h. So my stuff is arriving early Monday morning and i will be staying with ldh until that time. sunset and tiny lights all over the bridges and river, and boats...it feels so special...then came back over to their house at 44th place. this is going to be such a treat in my life....yea char. lov to all in flag who made this possible...I am doing really well...the first night in my new home, Portland. I don't have to leave this time...so, off to bed with sugar plums dancing in my head and dreams...nite nite. thanks to l, d, and h for being so special and lov to you three forever!