Monday, June 30, 2008
It is Almost Time: The Second Time Around
so excited about starting my new job tomorrow at PSU....unpacking and cleaning my new office sounds like fun....meeting new people; working with new faculty and interlacing with new admin....PLUS learning from new i come ready or not....let's make it a great day, week, year and many more....hope i can sleep tonight. nite nite
Darn Ole Cold Anyway: Oh Well
Sunday, June 29, 2008
I Almost Forgot

Newport Beach on the Oregon Coast

Thursday, June 26, 2008
Good Morning, Good Morning
I was awake at 4:00 am this morning...had a dream about my mom and living in Window Rock. Some friends and I were rv camping in the mountains near Window Rock and there was smoke...we left to my parents home in WR and I was telling my friends about them. I saw matching pieces to the silver set I have now; old clothes of hers; living in poor conditions; feeling like I had to leave pretty soon with my friends to be safe somewhere else. Then I got up and looked at the peaceful quiet river outside my new apartment; twinkling lights; shimmering water; leaves blowing slightly. I was grateful when I woke up that I was not in any pain. So I was running to a safe zone but needing to leave right away with my friends. Amazing considering I left Flag about three and half weeks ago now. I left on June 1 and July 1st is next Tuesday. My entire life has been about coming and going different places physically, emotionally, spiritually, geographically, socially, culturally...I can see my female Buddha sitting on my desk on her red Navajo rug in a peaceful position. Reading meditations from my UU song book...let quiet come to me and let peace come to me; it is already within me already...just listen... Char (you have come along way and everything will be just fine).
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Changing My E-Mail Address: The Shock Was Not That Bad
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
What A Day
I walked and walked and walked some more....oh my goodness...went to a workshop sponsored by Apple Store on ipod and itunes but now I can't get my computer at home to have any oh great one of the speakers! Have been invited to go to Newport Beach, Or with a new friend I made via UU social events...leaving Thursday am and returned on Sunday that will be really different...she has a place there so I will be helping her with gas and driving. Making new friends...I have to learn how to get around a bit better cuz my poor feet are hurting so much. Tender, red, swollen, and if anyone knows of some medicine to help me....beautiful weather today---sunny and warm---love my new desk at professional looking and now I have lots of room....going to put my feet up and in a water bath to see if that will help...later
Monday, June 23, 2008
Lov The MAN....
L1 thanks for sharing your d with me today...we went to IKEA and I bought my desk, shelves, chair, etc....he was so patient with me...he also PUT THEM ALL TOGETHER AT MY PLACE .....I will be taking you guys out to dinner! Just swell to have spent most of the day/night with d re my looks clean, polished, orderly, new, attractive...and for me! Again, give your d a big thank you hug, ok???!!!! Safe travels...see u soon. c
Hi Again..It is Monday!
After I left my office I decided to attend a UU film discussion sponsored by someone who actually lives pretty close to l,h,d...i was the newcomer...i thought we would be watching films then discussion would follow...NO. They had a potluck and then we all gathered outside in the back yard (about 30 or so)and discuss three films which we are suppose to see before we attend this, I heard about a film called "Young At Heart" and met a new person who loved it and she invited me to see it tomorrow sometime...I went to You Tube and it looks really fun and it takes place in Northampton, that will be familiar since that is where I got my MSW years funny...came home and watched tv for awhile; talked with c; miss her...then started to make folders for my new job....I am getting excited about will be such a new adventure. So, nite nite---(I guess I have been a busy bee today..or yesterday or tonight or early morning; whatever).
Sunday, June 22, 2008
My New PSU Office---Alarms Going Off

Friday, June 20, 2008
Lost Again & Thank You HP for Taking Care of Me...again
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Playing Again
Summer in Portland: A Wonder to Behold
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Walking and More Walking
Saturday, June 14, 2008
The Real Reason I Can Play Today
Gracias to L1 and H for helping me put away my stuff yesterday and the day before....h was so much fun; sometime I will download a picture of her reading a book in a big box that she unpacked for me...thanks you two wonderful people.
Nirvana with Sun (and rain sometimes)

Friday, June 13, 2008
good morning portland

Thursday, June 12, 2008
Getting Really Connected
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Travels with L1: AKA It could not be worse!
My dear dear fried L1 has been up all nite from a flight from DC via Denver...darn ole Denver for having put its terminal into the Midwest plains somewhere...far away from anything or anyone....nap time. Just image two cats with pampers on walking around with their back legs hobbled.....this is suppose to make you laugh if u know the context....anyway it is official I am a aunt cuz I get to take h somewhere now...yea! yea!
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Queen for a Day: Or Let's Get Ready for Bed in My New Place
purchased my new queen sized bed this evening from m. so they will be delivering it next will be so nice to look out my new window and see the river with all its charms, activity, boats, speed boats, etc. it was raining today; they say it will be in the 80's this weekend...h had her last day of class today. What a kid she is...just love her spirit and delightfulness! A new 6 grader now! Fun to watch her play with the 2 doggies and 2 kitties....running around, rolling around, and just playing! so, tomorrow i will be taking h to a friend and picking up l...then to psu to get my official id etc. THEN START UNPACKING. On with my new life return for l from dc via denver.
Surrrounded by Big Boxes & Small Boxes & tiny boxes; ok you got the idea
Yesterday the movers arrived like clockwork...just 3 hours late; no big deal so that gave me enough time to look at my apartment and conduct the "checklist of errors" before I move know me...I had to attach a 6 page handwritten comment section about every detail I could possible they will not get one cent of my down payment (sounds like a car)..deposit...oh well, just 3 serious corrections need to be made...THEN THE BOXES ARRIVED. was really hard watching them unload my 30+ boxes and at my office about 25+ now for the unpacking....OF IT ALL....after they finished the unloading I attended my first BASW orientation meeting with 2/3rds of the students, faculty, and Jr who has been the director of the program so far...It was really nice to actually see them and everyone was very gracious and welcoming to me...very diverse students; so motivated and WANT TO CHANGE THE WORLD. Heavens knows we need, it makes me feel very humble and I hope I can live up to their too. 17 days until I official start at PSU so it is me and the BOXES for awhile...d,l,h so kind to let me stay with them....I know it is hard on everyone especially this time of more later.............
Sunday, June 08, 2008
The Count Down

Friday, June 06, 2008
My First Day in Portland as a Newly Arrived
First and foremost, Happy Anniversary to D & L...saw their darling wedding pictures; so cute and in love! Lov u two...anyway, spent most of the day staying at their lovely home; adventured out by myself once to fax something to jp in flag. Started looking for new bedroom furniture, beds, and personal. So hard re so many thougths and memories..So time to go more slowly and wait....I don't need anything but I would like to have a bed! Took a nap mid sleepy and tired from all of the driving and pushing to get out of, here I am and I don't have to leave!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! is very cold and rainy.
My First Bridge Crossing
I Can't Really Believe I Am Here! Fate as z would say
I feel so spaced out now that I am really here...what an opportunity and I can't wait to meet so many new people....lov to all my friends, come up and visit! congrats to a for getting her new job in Washington only 1 1/2 hours away..
Thursday, June 05, 2008
Ashland Springs Hotel: A Room with a View

A 2000 year Play about Love India Style
A Bit of Fun and Relaxation-Or How Many People Can Die at the End of A Play?

Hola Portland, Es Carlota

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