1. did not sleep very well
2. PSU closed due to weather
3. up and then back to sleep
4. up and had lunch
5. went to Safeway
6. went to get my INR done
7. went to my office to get a project
8. worked on applications for a search
9. read emails
10. read blogs
11. started to take a nap
12. fire alarm
13. down the stairs
14. waited outside in the cold
15. called 911 to report it
16. watched people come out the building
17. all of us "perplexed"
18. found out it was the water pipes freezing and burst
19. went back to my little home
20. decided to have dinner
21. walked to the club for the hottub and excercise
22. it was closed--darn it
22. wanted to wash the dishes
23. the water was turned off
24. more work on accrediation stuff
25. more stuff.....
26. grateful for all that I have and all my dear friends
27. going to bed
fin for today....