i lost myself this quarter and my weight gain is directly related to this concept and behavior; so now for my leaf turning over behavior; quarter is almost over; last class on Thursday; students need to finish their group presentations; i am looking forward to not teaching this next quarter; i know other stuff will be put on my plate (so to speak); so, the last few days i have been feeling like i was getting another cold and so that has not helped. it looks like (fingers crossed) it has not developed into a "real" cold...just running nose; too much information; so i have not been writing in my blog since dec 1st. kc had a small dinner party for a few of her friends and family on sat and that was really fun; met new people and laughed and laughed more. went to a new uu fellowship _Wy'east, which is starting up at a new location in Hollywood near l, d and h. it is tiny compared to the downtown UU...it is so nice to be in a smaller uu; like flag; it had joys/concerns with individuals coming to the front; i actually went to the front; stories for children; singing the children and youth out to their educational activities; welcomed a lot by everyone; we stayed for the potluck; went with l,d, h...very nice experience--it is even named after Mt. Hood from an indigenous name...so i think i will go to this uu and visit the big kid on the block once in awhile; like i said to l and d; I have met more people at this uu than the entire 6 months i attended the big sister uu downtown. i even received a handwritten card from one of their members today thanking me for attending their service...it is the personal i have been missing---a real community--not just an abstract message--so---woke up with flog today. so pretty. so now i will be getting love and attention from a small community and so i can feel better about myself and say no to all the overeating i have been involved in since i got here; it will all be ok and i will be ok....i need to be in a smaller community---this is even smaller than UUFF at Flag---50+ members but has lots of life and love. the first quarter will be over for me on Thursday and that will be wonderful; i can start to give to myself in a more positive manner---my gaining weight is OLD behavior...I have been using my pedometer so that is positive. nite nite