Huge winter storm yesterday so it basically closed Portland down and I do mean down...PSU--no school today, public schools closed....roads are horrible--who would think at 1,000 ft this would happen...it is the ice that is causing all the problems. Finished the book by W Lamb The Day I First Believed...what a novel of epic portions. love, hate, fear, anger, sadness, grief, mental illness, death, secrets, extended families, major national events...historical, different books with one book---he sure can tell a tale! Glad I finished it too; sometimes I just pick up a book and only read about 1/3 to 2/3 and not finish it...so this was a hard one to stop reading...he writes with grace, eloquence, and honesty. Now on for the rest of my day at home....can see Mt Hood, blue skies, dark blue/green river, and snow from my little adobe in the city. Snow person from the view of a little child...upwards.