Tuesday, December 30, 2008
What A Night!
My dear friends/family; the n's invited me to see the Pink Martini's at the Crystal Ballroom last night. Here is an article about the band and the director....what a wonderful story about following your passion and then it becomes your life work...Portland is very lucky to have them..they are originally from Portland so everyone here is very proud of them. Thank you L, H, & D for the fun night. It was our way of celebrating New Year's early... by the way---she looked like she was going to deliver her baby on stage to address a question in the following article. That kid is going to sing that's for sure.
From the Harvard Alumni News:
CHINA FORBES ’92 AND THOMAS M. LAUDERDALE ’92. Musicians, Portland, Oregon.
Pink Martini’s 1997 debut CD, Sympathique, is a quirky amalgam of sounds: rhumba beats thump alongside Edith Piaf-styled tunes, with a bucketful of jazz on the side. But just when listeners think they’ve "got it," the music turns and robust, orchestral elements sweep in. "It’s global music, but not ‘world music,’" says Thomas Lauderdale, 32, the classically trained pianist who founded the 11-piece band in 1994 and is its musical director. "It is generally urban, kind of old-fashioned, pop-y, and it draws a lot upon the atmosphere of Hollywood in the late 1940s."
However described, the band has immense appeal: the group has toured worldwide and performed with various symphonies around the country for the past five years. Two new CDs are in the works, says the quick-talking Lauderdale, one based on the Japanese concept of ukiyo, or "the floating world," which "refers to an artistic and cultural renaissance in Japan brought about by urban culture’s newfound wealth." The other, shepherded by lead singer China Forbes (Lauderdale’s Adams Housemate) is more "groovy urban." Both are due out next spring.
Lauderdale’s flamboyant, eclectic nature explains much of the band’s musical mystique—and his frustration with how time flies. A few current projects: teaching music with Forbes—pro bono—at a Portland high school that lost its music funding; writing a nonfiction book about a woman who disguised herself as a man for 45 years; developing an artistic scholarship fund; and creating a snow globe of the Portland skyline ("Every city should have one of its own"). Half Asian, Lauderdale grew up as one of four adopted children—his siblings are black and Iranian—on an Indiana plant nursery. The family moved to Oregon (deemed "greener and more liberal") after his father, a Church of the Brethren minister, came out of the closet. (Lauderdale is also gay.) This atypical background, he agrees, may also account for his emphasis on "inclusion" and artistic and personal freedom—trans-Atlantic style. "Pink Martini and everything it does is very much wrapped up in the way I want to live—to be an ambassador and have a dialogue with people around the world," he says. "And to be inclusive—writing songs that are as appealing to little kids and grandmothers as to Hollywood moguls and people growing up on a farm in Iowa." The "embassy" is a central downtown building he bought to house the band’s headquarters and, he hopes, to host language classes, parties, film festivals, art openings, and other artistic and political activities.
Upon returning to Portland after graduation, he played solos with the Oregon and Seattle symphonies and involved himself in various causes, including the fight against Oregon’s anti-gay rights initiative, Measure 13. Finding the bands at political events bland, he threw together a new group: Pink Martini, which often featured Lauderdale in drag. The band was a huge success with its campy, lounge-style renditions of Big Band tunes, and themes from 1960s television shows like I Dream of Jeannie. Very soon, however, the music, though still fun and danceable, became more serious. "Camp," Lauderdale explains, referencing Susan Sontag, "can only go so far because there is a negative bitterness to camp that, hopefully, we don’t have. In a very pure way, this music pushes forward the idea of hope despite all the sadness in the world."
Leading the band also brought major changes in personal responsibilities. "I couldn’t be as flitty. I had to be more seriously engaged, diplomatic, and become more like a benevolent dictator. Music, like everything else that is artistic, is a very sensitive area for each of us, very personal," he says of the band members, who range from garage-band to symphony-level players. "I have to keep things on track, keeping the music pure as we become bigger, and not be distracted by the applause." Despite his disparate projects, Lauderdale’s life mission is clear: "Ultimately, I’m just trying to be good," he says. "I have probably the same goals other people have for their lives—to do good things and to find a reason to like oneself at the end of the day."
For Forbes, 32, joining Pink Martini made "perfect sense." She had been performing folk tunes on the New York City club circuit (she recorded a solo album, Love Handle, and the theme song for UPN’s sitcom Clueless) when Lauderdale called. "I never saw myself as Peggy Lee or Julie London—doing torch songs and jazzy, sultry standards in front of 17,000 people with a 11-piece band behind me," she says. "But it turns out that it combines my experience in acting, musical theater, and singing." She took voice lessons, experimented with a sassier persona, and unleashed a voluptuous range of sounds.
Life has run interestingly since then. "On the road, we’re constantly going and it’s exhausting. Sometimes the show doesn’t end until 2 a.m. and we have to leave at 5 a.m. to get on another plane," she explains. "The band wants to go out and meet people and dance. But one Brazilian rum drink or cigarette and I wake up with a sore throat, guaranteed. I am the one who wants to go to bed right after the show." In between shows and hours at the recording studio, Forbes says, "there is no routine. It’s very random. I don’t think a lot of people would like that, but I’ve gotten used to it." She recently began recording her own songs at home ("That muse doesn’t come to me all the time") and takes care of her two dogs.
Forbes is newly married, to an optometrist (they met when she bought sunglasses at his store), and wonders when to have children. "Do I do it at a convenient time for the band or do I just do it when I’m ready?" she asks. "Our dream is for him to take care of the kids with me while I’m on the road. But we’re not sure how that would work yet….I’ll figure that out when it happens. The way I function is to act without thinking—I’m the opposite of Hamlet. I’m good at problem-solving when problems do arise. It’s worked well for me so far."
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Honey, Warm Milk and Dear Friends
If you want to give yourself a delicious treat...go to the DragonFly spa...take wine, cookies, cheese, tea, crackers, chocolate, and of course YOUR FEET WHICH YOU WALK ON ALL THE TIME. They will be rubbed and then placed into hot milk and honey with flowers and spices...yummy....went with 6 friends from psu and we all just loved it. I hope we can do it again at the end of the year! Dreamy...then some of us walked down 23rd street in the section of town known as the Northwest...looks like Georgetown, DC...quaint tiny stores with Christmas decorations and lights all twinkling...I loved it.
Belated Merry Christmas
Had a lovely Christmas eve, Day, and post Christmas day with the Nissen's...2 cats, 2 dogs, 1 youth, and 2 wonderful parents/couple/friends/relatives/sweetfamily...they gave me a beautiful stocking to open with them on Christ mas day....love the cozy green shawl...listening to fun music now....cooking in a new fancy pot (for making witches brew)...and many other loving gifts from them....I am so lucky to have them as my family in Portland. Thank you all! Blessed to you and all of your 4 legged and big young pre-teen...lov, charchar
Yes I Can: My internet is back!
yes, I am back online...what a mess it has been but I am so grateful to be "back online"; crazy how dependent I am on this technology...had a great day. Went to the new little UU; it was their Dec 12 service about "light" from all different world traditions; very sweet to see the children all dressed up as various cultures and religions. Went to the movies then went shopping for FOOD for the week. So happy I don't have to wait for next Friday for someone to come and "rescue" me from my internet blues.
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
If you want to know what Portland looks like now...take a look at this site...I went downtown this am on the streetcar....ordel...the walk from the streetcar to my apartment was so hard; icy, slippery, hard..I got back and I was so tired I had to take a nap...I was carrying bags...decided to post phone our play to Friday night..more snow coming tonight..I am so happy we decided to post phone it for a couple of days. it is unreal...PSU closed again today...Portland basically has no snow ploys to do the back streets so everyone is being held hostage in their own homes; at least I have access to public transportation somewhat...at least I now have the book I want to start reading...The Golden Notebook...thanks to l who has been calling me daily to see how I am doing...bought myself some new soft slippers....very cute and WARM. They are a bit different than my regular "conservative" slippers...apparently this is the worst snow storm for 40+ years...what an ordeal this has been.
Monday, December 22, 2008
Say "Really Stupid" with a Smile & Glee
So, my plan was to take the streetcar and go downtown this morning...I didn't. So about 2:00pm I thought--it can't be THAT BAD so I took my car out of the apartment complex garage and after about 1 minute of driving--I GOT STUCK IN THE SNOW. Now how many years did I live in Flag? so it was snowing...no kidding...I was sitting there listening to the music and 2 guys come over and started to push my car back into the driving area toward the open garage..they tried, they tried, they tried...both had tennis shoes on, one had a scarf and one had some gloves...but they ARE BOTH YOUNG. So, after about 20 minutes and not much had happened 2 more guys came along...they had shovels and boots and the four guys pushed my Honda toward the garage door and I MADE IT BACK. So I offered to take out them out for pizza (walking of course) and they all just smiled and went their merry way....so, back to my little abode and watching the snow get deeper in the circle driveway outside of where I live--saw someone cross country sking this afternoon...about 5 went across the way and had dinner at a "happy hour event". So PSU is closed tomorrow too...Before I left the garage this am I did not hear that chains were required on all cars downtown...so say "really stupid" with a tiny smile...please keep it a small smile! At least I have caught up with most of my accrediation writing the last few days...that is a relief. so, hopefully the snow will let us all get out of the house tomorrow..going to see a play tomorrow night with L, H, D. "Christmas Carol" that is.
Its a Dog's Life--So much fun
Yes, Portland State University is closed again today...so I am going downtown for a little of playtime outside...if the streetcar is working...it is!
So enjoy this video--a bit long but well worth it---anyway what else can you do today except to take a deep breath and RELAX SOME MORE.
Sunday, December 21, 2008
House Bound Today

House bound today...snow, snow, and more snow plus ice...portland just basically closes down...no chains=no driving...so I worked on AS 8 assessment for the accrediation; read; more work on search committee; cooked turkey/pototoes for lunch...very good. I am trying to get my confidence up to start cooking more often..went for a walk this afternoon but turned around after about 1 block, if that--too icy and windy. Stayed in bed this am and watched the birds fly around the tall buildings...snow falling...so peaceful...just rest, work, and some reading...pretty balanced today for a change...got the big project over so don't need to worry about this vacation time. PSU is closed tomorrow but I am going to get out of here for awhile...downtown at least...getting cabin fever...not really. So, glad I am not traveling anywhere cuz it would be pretty messy trying to leave portland. So nite nite....quiet dreams! Just like this arrangement of soaps from Paris...
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Funny Story
So about a week ago I hurt my right wrist/hand and could not grasp at all without pain shooting up my arm...now the story...I bought a fake tree last year and it actually is very sweet with lights and all...well I had packed it in its orginal box (long and square) and I tried all sorts of ways to get the XXX tree out of the box with my hurt hand; pulling, pushing, looking, turning the box over..you name it and I was not making any progress with getting it out; so I stopped and left the box on its side in my living room all week long...(told l and d about it yesterday and we laughted) my hand is better now...so last night I called my friend a in olympia and was telling her my sad silly story...and she said "cut the box off the tree"---and I even have a phd...so we laughed a lot about that---that is so pratical and direct! so I was comparing it to: I left the box on the floor to think about it and find meaning in the experience (qualitative) and she on the other hand had a linear direct approach (quantiative)...so, you just never know what is going to happen...so...this moring I cut off the box and it is standing next to the window twinkling with its white lights...so..the moral of the story is: ask for help from your friends!
It is snowing more today....it is all toasty in my little abode.
I heard a new term yesterday "agent narrative"; so I guess this story is my agent narrative...it used to be called "telling a story"---
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
You Just Never Know

1. did not sleep very well
2. PSU closed due to weather
3. up and then back to sleep
4. up and had lunch
5. went to Safeway
6. went to get my INR done
7. went to my office to get a project
8. worked on applications for a search
9. read emails
10. read blogs
11. started to take a nap
12. fire alarm
13. down the stairs
14. waited outside in the cold
15. called 911 to report it
16. watched people come out the building
17. all of us "perplexed"
18. found out it was the water pipes freezing and burst
19. went back to my little home
20. decided to have dinner
21. walked to the club for the hottub and excercise
22. it was closed--darn it
22. wanted to wash the dishes
23. the water was turned off
24. more work on accrediation stuff
25. more stuff.....
26. grateful for all that I have and all my dear friends
27. going to bed
fin for today....
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Fixated Like a Dog: No Kidding
Sometimes I get an idea and I just go wild...searching, digging, hunting, chewing, waging my tail, licking my chops, (I think you get my drift); so....the other day I came across The Golden Notebook by Doris Lessing ...went to Powell's to see it; ordered from the library for home delivery, tonight reading all that I can get on the Internet about the authors life...I guess I am searching to know the truth, her truth, my truth, my vision, my quest, my adventure,...my mother was a reader so when I came across this quote by Ms. Lessing when she was interviewed for her last book it prompted me to write in my little earthly blog o sphere...The question was:
Is a society that doesn't read a dangerous place?
"I think so. For one thing it makes people very ignorant. You see, when it comes to people of my age, if you talk to someone who has had anything like the same experience, reading and so on, and contrast that with talking to a young person who hasn't, it's like talking to a different kind of creature. You talk to someone with your kind of experience, and you share a language and references, you talk in a completely different way--and I don't mean that you are using more advanced language. This human need to think and understand, which has in the past been feed by books, literature and learning, it will prevail. At the moment though I can't foresee which form it will come out in". (Lessing, from the Internet, obtained today by cg)
She is a practical person and has spunk! So I am looking forward to getting The Golden Notebook--it is over 600 pages long so we will see if I have the determination to finish it; but you know when you are over 60 you can decide not to finish a book by whomever! If you see a picture of her now she reminds me of the photos of Jane Addams of the Hull House in Chicago.
So, I am fixated right now on reading more and more....good nite...it is just darn cold!
PS..the photo is the dog Lincoln had while he was president---named Fido, so I wonder if Obama is going to have a similiar one...for the girls of course...
Monday, December 15, 2008
Winter in Portland

Huge winter storm yesterday so it basically closed Portland down and I do mean down...PSU--no school today, public schools closed....roads are horrible--who would think at 1,000 ft this would happen...it is the ice that is causing all the problems. Finished the book by W Lamb The Day I First Believed...what a novel of epic portions. love, hate, fear, anger, sadness, grief, mental illness, death, secrets, extended families, major national events...historical, different books with one book---he sure can tell a tale! Glad I finished it too; sometimes I just pick up a book and only read about 1/3 to 2/3 and not finish it...so this was a hard one to stop reading...he writes with grace, eloquence, and honesty. Now on for the rest of my day at home....can see Mt Hood, blue skies, dark blue/green river, and snow from my little adobe in the city. Snow person from the view of a little child...upwards.
Friday, December 12, 2008
Memories of the Rez and Mom
Had lunch with a woman who knew my mother in the mid 70's on the rez...the first thing she said to me was "you look like your mother"--we had a nice time talking about how they met, the influence my mom had on her, and other sweet memories...very nice and sweet....well got 99% of my grades in today...just one more paper to read. What a relief to be done with the term and teaching; as much as I love it; the other side is that I kinda loose myself in the process...so now to take care of charchar...some quiet and peaceful time now.....yea!
Thursday, December 11, 2008
It is Over & I am Happy
Last class this afternoon and I am really happy....less pressure to "be on" so now I can start taking care of myself....went to the Pearl this evening with j and had a very nice time; Happy Hour is a big deal in Portland so we went to a place called The Palomino then walked around for awhile---went and had tea at another place. We laughed and that always feels so good. So, meeting tomorrow and finish my grades and then it is official over....no more classes until March, or Spring quarter. At the end of Dec I will have been in Portland for 6 months..amazing...pretty good so far; I am not missing Flag as much as I thought I would but I also have been really busy so it has not been on my mind. I was invited to go to Oklahoma and to Washington but have decided not to go anywhere but stay here and take care of myself at the club! Can't wait to see l when she gets back--if you are reading this--safe travels back to Portland. nite nite
Tuesday, December 09, 2008
almost over

i lost myself this quarter and my weight gain is directly related to this concept and behavior; so now for my leaf turning over behavior; quarter is almost over; last class on Thursday; students need to finish their group presentations; i am looking forward to not teaching this next quarter; i know other stuff will be put on my plate (so to speak); so, the last few days i have been feeling like i was getting another cold and so that has not helped. it looks like (fingers crossed) it has not developed into a "real" cold...just running nose; too much information; so i have not been writing in my blog since dec 1st. kc had a small dinner party for a few of her friends and family on sat and that was really fun; met new people and laughed and laughed more. went to a new uu fellowship _Wy'east, which is starting up at a new location in Hollywood near l, d and h. it is tiny compared to the downtown UU...it is so nice to be in a smaller uu; like flag; it had joys/concerns with individuals coming to the front; i actually went to the front; stories for children; singing the children and youth out to their educational activities; welcomed a lot by everyone; we stayed for the potluck; went with l,d, h...very nice experience--it is even named after Mt. Hood from an indigenous name...so i think i will go to this uu and visit the big kid on the block once in awhile; like i said to l and d; I have met more people at this uu than the entire 6 months i attended the big sister uu downtown. i even received a handwritten card from one of their members today thanking me for attending their service...it is the personal i have been missing---a real community--not just an abstract message--so---woke up with flog today. so pretty. so now i will be getting love and attention from a small community and so i can feel better about myself and say no to all the overeating i have been involved in since i got here; it will all be ok and i will be ok....i need to be in a smaller community---this is even smaller than UUFF at Flag---50+ members but has lots of life and love. the first quarter will be over for me on Thursday and that will be wonderful; i can start to give to myself in a more positive manner---my gaining weight is OLD behavior...I have been using my pedometer so that is positive. nite nite
Monday, December 01, 2008
first homemade meal in about X months--no kidding

made my first crockpot dinner (started this morning before going to work..7:15 ish) then came home tonight about 7:00 ish...well, it had all burned down into a horrible terrible smelling mess of black chared chicken and soy sauce + herbs etc...the best of intentions...but too many hours left without supervision....so, i will try again....so much for the easy way of cooking...i am sure it is but i also should not leave it alone for sooooooooooooooooooo many hours...so, back to the drawing board....ha ha ha ha ha ---I did laugh that's for sure! Oh well...off to sleep (this picture of chicken actually looks good in comparison)...
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