I have been on the UU board for 3 years and tonight was my last meeting; it went from 6 to 9:30 pm. I took goodies and some flowers to everyone...they brought me a tart with strawberries and a sweet card and they appalled at the end...I am going to miss everyone..they have always been so supportive of my journey; I made the motion to have UUFF agree to sign a letter to our major regarding an ordinance re G/L/B/T and have the UUFF vote on it at our annual board meeting on June 1. Yea Team! Finally they did it....Portland elected in a new gay mayor...it is happening all over. The picture is of "Son" who got placed in his new home on Monday night; I just wanted everyone to see his pix too. I miss all of them...I keep seeing them in all their old hants...by the front door, purring, rubbing up against the wall....they brought me so much love and sweetness.