took bs to naca yesterday and the entire staff came out to the parking lot to see him; could not get Son into the cat carrier considering he was lost in the house...called c today and bs is doing pretty good; I will be taking Son to naca tomorrow. got word from b that Ophie is doing pretty good all in all; she is starting to venture out of the guest room; b is allowing her to be as shy as she needs to be; total acceptance of her...i have been packing all day....m came over in the afternoon to talk; made her an Italian soda...i don't have the ingredients down yet; had a very nice dinner with j,m, and c....talked a lot about moving, friends, parties, places we have lived...we almost closed the place down...so doing pretty well....z said he could not rent the house so on to plan b...renting it to others...placed an ad on Craig's list and got an email from someone this evening. i may stay another week considering having to get this place in shape for renters...so life is showing me the way... So Son will be leaving tomorrow and it makes me very sad...I will be all alone then..their spirits will be here and in my heart all the time.