Happy Mother's Day to All of Our Mothers...Leslie Snow Goodluck in particular. Ophie decided not to go today...I am happy that did not happen cuz we had more quality time together tonight. Son is on my desk right now sitting between the monitor and the keyboard. Love him....love them all....typed a list of what needs to be done in the next three weeks...UKS....very emotional time at uu this am...lunch with m and j...some packing in the garage, painting doors, taking stuff out of the garage. r next door bought the compter desk...the "train" has started to leave and I am on it...no turning back now...go forward to a new life Charlotte...yea! really tired due to all of the mixed emotions from today....up and down; up and down...I am going to go to bed early and try to get more sleep...it will all happen Char..