Saturday, May 31, 2008
Last Post in Arizona
The movers arrived this morning about 9:00am and were done about 11:15 then off to my NAU office; got that all loaded by, the carpet guy is working on two bedrooms and z is finishing the LR...a and xo will be over later to clean...s and b came over to get more stuff;...I did not feel well this morning. Shortness of breath...have not had that in, I hope I will be ok after the trip...spent the night a c last night and slept really well in a real bed...beautiful sunny warm summer day in Flag...sitting in my nau office for the last time. Turning in my keys pretty off to a new adventure in my life...oh z is renting my thrilled about that...great human being....I am thrilled about that...all coming "full circle" thank you HP for taking care of me....walk in beauty, char you will be in Portland pretty soon. lov to everyone here. thank you to dear l in Portland...see u soon
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
"The Return of Baby Son" a mew summer feature

Sunday, May 25, 2008
It's a blurr...Sat and Sun
It snowed off and on on Sat but the yard sale went ahead; several people came by...lots of help from many friends, relatives, etc. b and s and I went to dinner and laughed even more...just too much crazy stuff all day. too many cooks. my neck was really sore from sleeping on the floor the last few nights. got up at 3 am on Sat and stayed awake until 4:30 or so then fell asleep again. went to uu and took flowers..had bkfast with b and s.a couple of people came by to help take away stuff to goodwill and UU yard sale so the garage is looking pretty empty now. b and s left this afternoon so I took a nap since i was so wiped out. very quiet around here now and that feels good quite frankly considering how the last two days have been. my home phone was on the blink since I turned off the cable and forgot it connected to the is fixed now. of course today it is beautiful with no crazy weather like SNOW. so, the last week is coming up--unreal. have some people who are interested in the house. trust the process, c. to get my office at home packed and see my mail from the last week...w gave a great sermon this am...about race in the us...everyone clapped. i will be back tomorrow with his truck to take more away...letting go and letting g. missing a.
Friday, May 23, 2008
a family surprise
b and s came to see me tonight from wr...we had dinner at the h and laughed until our sides hurt and I could barely stand up...seriously, tried to have a yard sale this am and it was snowing....ok so I sat in my lawn chair in my kitchen and watched the snow...three brave souls came to see what I had at the garage around with c and went to purchase some carpet for the two bedrooms...not so to sleep now..nite nit
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Unreal Day
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
UU Board Last Meeting
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Sara Wins Big
Sara won the mayors post tonight by 65%...change is coming to Flag; went to the Democratic party re "Sara" watch...about 6:30---Ian announced she won! JR came from Prescott and was nice to see him; i saw so many people and was able to tell them about Portland and say goodbye....had coffee with a afterwards. so it has been a big day and I am tired but so excited!
it is unreal--how time flies!
Sunday, May 18, 2008
61 Ways to Say I Love You

Saturday, May 17, 2008
party time
Friday went to b house for a fun party with all the l in town...long talk with p and others about me moving...bought a bottle of champanye and shared it with everyone to say goodbye; a did a very sweet "toast" to me...Sat...worked like a dog yesterday on the house with a and h...we got so much done; the garage is now in is feeling so empty...went shopping with a and bought some nice professional clothes; a is a great friend v came and got my bed I will be sleeping on the living room floor on a blow up mattress with son...he is going to c house on Monday evening..packing and more packing...tiny decisions over and over is so tiring--but really feels good to get rid of so could i have so much...i will be leaving numerous boxes here...MY FEET HURT..
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Baby Son to NACA

Tuesday, May 13, 2008
ophie to becky

Monday, May 12, 2008
Running Around 4 Ophie
Ophie has her own mind and she is deciding when she is leaving...she got out last night and stayed away all day until about 7 pm tonight; I called her so many times and I was afraid she had run away....she came back.
Went to NACA and said goodbye to drb...what a gem she is. will miss her!
Got calls from pdx re some future business ---it is so exciting to be getting ready for a new job after 21 years!
Saw jp re $$$$ ---went to credit unions---banks---taking care of business...goodness it is getting closer each day...i am going to finish the 3rd bedroom tonight; that is my goal....i did pretty good with my food today....don't forget to take care of charchar....char
Sunday, May 11, 2008

Saturday, May 10, 2008
A Major Milestone/Ode to Ophie

Friday, May 09, 2008
Good Bye to My Sweet Kitties....
Today I am taking Son and Baby Son to their new home on the east side of town...Baby Son is looking out my office windwo and walking on my desk, getting in front of me and looking at me and the computer; licking his lips; Ophie is coming into my office; Baby Son is rubbing my hand on the computer looking at me; I just tolaok several videos of all three of them; they want me to let them outdoors; he is now exactly in fromt of my computer monitor...yes, they do have their ways of gettigng theeir needs meet; they ask of it..what a concept....I love all of you...his tail is wrapped around his paws; Opie is sitting by my door looking at me all curled up...such cat behavior...I love all of you...Son in on my bed to see z at brandy's this morning...I need to be open about what he is going to expectations....
Thursday, May 08, 2008
Packing My SBS Office
Just finished packing my SBS office---11 boxes + some other stuff; m came by and say goodbye; what a lovely person he is...looking out of my office, pine trees, a few clouds, the grass is green in the area below my window; a bit one is here just me...all my walls are bare, good bye to mis-match office furniture, I am not sure what I will do with my rug...??? oh well...just heard that the Dean approved a national search to replace my position! does go on..thank you hp for all the new opportunties and for my wonderful career at NAU---a student in my SW370 wrote me a sweet note and said I "emit a beautiful and peacefull light the makes you rise head and shoulders above the rest"...what a wonderful send off from my students...thank you, e.....
Wednesday, May 07, 2008
Thank You NACRP
Thank you to everyone who was at the dinner tonight..I love my silver/gold necklace, pin, and earrings....they are OUTSTANDING! So unique and special just like all of you...blessings to all of you.
NACRP Dinner & Going Away Party: Tonight

Monday, May 05, 2008
A Roller Coaster
Up and Down...all day...all night....this is work. Selling all kinds of stuff; took my Spanish final both written and oral today...did ok. Professor and shook my hand...that felt good. I just studied today and did not drive myself crazt over the weekend..a first for me...I was calm during the orals and I really did well if I do say so myself. lots of feelings re o and her path...putting her needs first and foremost...she needs to be outside! So that will determine my decision re her future.
Friday, May 02, 2008
Charlotte's New Hogan

Professor Charlotte Goodluck's Retirement at The Inn

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