My life today started with A HUGE PILE OF LAUNDRY...it took a grocery cart to carry it all to their laundry room. Rugs, rugs, more rugs....spent the day with Charlotte..last week was all people most of the time so I spent today with CG...l,h.d had me over for dinner and to watch the Olympics...I was so taken back with it all I almost started to cry...it was so moving...so to speak, historical, symbolic, beautiful, exotic, and the fire works. They invented paper, fireworks, and so many more treasures...so I loved it...got to meet one of L's oldest friends and her family. They are all so nice..did not do any work related stuff today...let my brain rest and recovery. my knee is still hurting so that is no fun. had a doc appointment on Monday so lets see what they say...good nite...