just don't ask me about my ordeal with the dmv....still not over with...then with wf; my level of patience is so low and now it is below any tolerance of frustration that I almost yelled today.....thank you hp for l1. she tells me the truth; whatever that is! I need to keep the door to that dark door locked! got home and started watching tv re mcc running mate...what a joke....no more shall be said by me on that topic----HOWEVER, OH MY GOODNESS; BO WAS SO WONDERFUL....what a human being he is....he is like looking into a hologram; you will see what you want and he reflects back all the positive notions of life; a man for all seasons (anger, grief, joy, calm, peace, fun, happy, shy, and a gifted oratory); if the country does not vote him in then we deserve what happens...but i am going to work for him! pray for his safety and for his family...nite nite