Friday, November 30, 2007
I am so grateful that is started to rain has been too long...this morning we had fog surrounding our lovely, soft, and is raining....may all of our plants, trees, birds, 4 legged enjoy the RAIN. I do. Had lunch with a friend who I have known for 34 years..we were both social workers in Phx in the early 70's..she is very special...I appreciate her friendship and the support she has given to me. I actually have room in the garage to PARK MY CAR! This is a first, since we have had the is tight but it is IN THE GARAGE. Took out the Christmas boxes and started to put some items up...first I was not going to but I am going to so I will have my own memories of my home now....thank you to all my friends who have helped me get through this event. The blubs I planted for Ruby are starting to come up (green tips); I have them next to the coffee maker in the I look at them and have sweet memories of RUBY...z came by and started to work on some stuff--gave him a gift certificate re should go to a lovely sweet young couple who are starting their life together or whatever...his smile went from one ear to the other ear....he was very appreciative. so grateful to have hp send him my way...what a dear! IT IS RAINING, YEA
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Post Ruby Dubee
about this time last week I was holding r in my arms---what a sweety pie....miss her so much...someone asked me today if I was going to get another puppy and I said no. this is post-ruby days and I doubt if I will get another dog except for continuing to love Libby...r filled my heart and her presence is spiritual internet at home is not working so i called the cable company and they said my firewall was blocking it so now i am at jitter's using my battery is going...sprint overcharged me....blah, life does continue doesn't it...i think i will have to get another job or get a room mate...this entire event has caused me so much pain and dissappointment in t...i lost her and now i am loosing more and more each day....i just don't understand why i am the one getting all the hard times after lesson is to not get bitter and learn more each day about detachment and impermance of each minute and each day and be the love you want to share....i hope i can keep this in my mind and heart...z is coming over on thursday so that will be nice to see him again...he is putting in my fire alarm...L1, I love the pictures you have posted re your trip to sf....what fun...i was suppose to meet another friend here at 11 but she has not shown up..i hope i have the date cell phone and ipaq are not hot syning to my computer at home so my calendar stuff is all messed nice thing happened to day--i got a notice from my office that i will be getting a 24 in mac for my sbs office....that will be later from sad c and trying to understand...
Friday, November 23, 2007

Wednesday, November 21, 2007
For Sweet Sweet Ruby

Tuesday, November 20, 2007
we love u Ruby---
well this has been a really hard day; our dear little Ruby is very sick; her immune system is not doing very well and she is bleeding internally; tonight will be the second nite she is at the hospital; she is precious---please say a prayer for her and her sweet spirit. Love to little Ruby...the doc said she is not hurting but is very tired. She will be at the vet's alone tonight so please think positive thoughts for her and her recovery. i lov u Ruby.
Monday, November 19, 2007
build a dream

Saturday, November 17, 2007
NVC--for all---I wish

Wednesday, November 14, 2007
power into the future

long day into the night and shopping in China

Sunday, November 11, 2007
today I am grateful
L2 is so beautiful and such a life saver----thank you very much, L. Had one kid in our RE class this am; he was so cute; a was able to keep the conversation flowing with appropriate "kid" talk; I remained for the second service as I wanted to hear my UU friends talk about their UU story==as usual fk was sociological and deep; r was funny; a youth was tearful about how she had to let go some of her teen friends due to their faith differences; she has been raised in uu; she is our future and I am so proud of her...what courage to get in front of all the adults and pour her heart out; ck was sweet and funny too; it is so meaningful to have a faith community i really love and actually remained for the second service; while i was walking around during our "coffee break" i was saying to myself---little did i know so long ago (most of my adulthood) that I would be actually teaching ra and feeling so accepted and loved at a "church"; UU is exactly what my head and heart needs! i am at my home and it is really taking shape with beauty, love, and attention. It is getting what I needed for a long time too. The Girls are with t quiet around here; so---thank you to all the vets who served our country in all the countless ways including t, of course. so totally vegging now and relaxing and not working but playing on my mac and watching channel me! good nite.
Tuesday, November 06, 2007
art is in the eye of the beholder2
Went to an wonderful art reception last night at the College of Business; e was showing her senior art project which included the clothes tags found in the back of our clothing from all around the world; she had dresses made out of these tags on live models (all formal-like); it was so creative, political, economic, and global--all at the same time. i hope she contacts some of the international corporations and shows her artwork to them; it is so powerful and timely;it is more evidence that the world is flat; she is a friend of z. the image I am posting today is what i made for her; she really does not know me but i wanted her to have something from me anyway....saw some ole friends at the reception. i wore my beautiful new pink coat for the occasion. i love art.
Sunday, November 04, 2007
Flagstaff Way

Saturday, November 03, 2007
i am having a heck of a journey right now!

Friday, November 02, 2007
post card from char

Thursday, November 01, 2007
post holoween--

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