Thursday, August 26, 2010
A week of fun and starting my vacation; movies, dinner with friends, getting my apartment clean. packing and repacking, buying luggage, taking luggage back, buying purses, taking purses back...relaxation, sleeping late, taking naps...all vacation type behaviors...leaving tomorrow afternoon for Japan and Hong luggage looks good and used so many tips from packing ideas from youtube...c and n came over toniight and he sang me a blessing song and smuged me with his eagle sweet...I was looking at the sunset; they took s to their place. l,d,h came over with dinner with points so sweet...feel so loved...will miss s but she knows I love is a beuiful day and night...all is well...I am blessed by so many friends...had a nice dinner with m and her daughter last night too...surrounded by love and feel their love and will all be is all good! I am blessed. Thank you hp...great spirit...buddhas...