Just a few more evenings looking at the River---it has been a living treat for me this past year but time to move on and over....I will even be closer to campus...about 3 blocks...kinda funny if you ask me but well worth it. It could be called a "wow" place. It is peaceful, BEAUTIFUL SPACE, numerous amenities including free parking; free guest parking; and large enough I can actually have guests over! It is going to be wonderful...so what do I have to do to get there? MOVE AGAIN....oh well, this will not be like moving from Arizona to Portland that is for sure...went to ww today and only gained a bit after 10 days of a vacation....so, time to start packing...a little bit at a time and it will go!!!!! H is even on the "kitten hunt" for me...so cute. Love your teeth..you know who that is.