It was a pleasant surprise that I did not cry when I was back in Flag---for some reason I thought I would...old stuff that is for sure...I am happy to be back in Portland...saw Mt Hood this evening...what a mountain that is for sure...went on our friendly streetcar downtown and went to Powells and had dinner at the Whole Foods Market---just fun walking around....started on my income taxes earlier in the day and needed a break...then got home and I think I am basically done with them...the majority that is for sure....thank g for turbo taxes software and their easy instructions....my living room looks like a pile of papers and more papers and files...but I am done, at least I think I am....had a nice walk down to Three Degrees and looked at the flowers and seeing all the people starting to come out..it is getting warmer and the day is staying lighter longer...yea for us. This is me in Phx at the Hyatt. I think I like pink!