Tuesday, March 31, 2009
It is Up to Me Now
Went to the doctor's today...lots going on but I can take some measures to make myself feel better...one step at a time....carpel tunnel in my left wrist...brace for 6 weeks and see how it is responding...plantar fascitis in my right foot...ice packs and rubbing a tennis ball 2 x day...did it already tonight and it feels much better....the body is amazing...
She Has a Southern Accent_that was a surprise

The "She" I am talking about is Heather Armstrong of http://www.dooce.com I sat in the front row (this is typical behavior of an over achieving ex student type); and I laughed and laughed and laughed even more...than I bought her book...how amazing Powell's did what is was tying to do...GET US TO PURCHASE THE BOOK IN SPITE OF ME TELLING MYSELF..YOU WILL NOT BUY THE BOOK...this behavior is similar to how one owes 2 timeshares...oh well...started reading it this morning....after watching a dvd on race for my class on Sat...I need to laugh that's for sure...anyway, l1don't buy the book I will share it with you, ok....it was fun seeing students yesterday...d and n came by then p...8 days until the site visit...who is counting...????? so, back to work now...I just heard a new term "white space" .....yes, it is all around.
Sunday, March 29, 2009
a new quarter will be starting---tomorrow
I am so happy that the winter term is over; spring will be good...first the CSWE visit and all that implies....and my new class of SW539==got my income taxes all done...yea! I am planning on walking more each day...I need the stress reduction==time is of the essence..
Friday, March 27, 2009
Change will always happen

It was a pleasant surprise that I did not cry when I was back in Flag---for some reason I thought I would...old stuff that is for sure...I am happy to be back in Portland...saw Mt Hood this evening...what a mountain that is for sure...went on our friendly streetcar downtown and went to Powells and had dinner at the Whole Foods Market---just fun walking around....started on my income taxes earlier in the day and needed a break...then got home and I think I am basically done with them...the majority that is for sure....thank g for turbo taxes software and their easy instructions....my living room looks like a pile of papers and more papers and files...but I am done, at least I think I am....had a nice walk down to Three Degrees and looked at the flowers and seeing all the people starting to come out..it is getting warmer and the day is staying lighter longer...yea for us. This is me in Phx at the Hyatt. I think I like pink!
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Return to Portland

I was happy to get back last night...it is cooler here than Phx...cloudy and cool...so refreshing and gentle. I need more softness and peace in my life...too much rushing around and seeing so many people; so I am home...my new home, Portland...s said to me "You came back to us!"--that was sweet...he is so kind and loving. Yes, this is my home and yes, it was nice being in Flag and Phx but again...I have made the transition and happy I am here with my new friends...and my dear friend l1 et al. My apartment is a mess...stuff everywhere---so guess what I will be doing...also, need to work on MY INCOME TAX RETURN. yes oh yes! --I did see stars in Flag...
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Friday, March 13, 2009
I am here---FLAGSTAFF
kinda a bumpy ride from Phx to Flag but got here about 1:30...Carol was there---went to my favorite Mexican food restuarant--Salsa Brava....drove by my house; no one was there...hopefully I will be able to get in sometime while I am here....the best is that the sky is BLUE AND MORE BLUE. Now it is cloudy but that will change....Carol's new dog is so cute-Elie Mae..."buddy". Really cute markings, brown and soft grey highlights...she is 7 months old. Wonderful to be "home" ...my home....my previous home...and the parking is free! lots of free parking....ha ha
Thursday, March 12, 2009
last day before I travel to Flag
Sunday, March 08, 2009
Now that the report is done: a cold is coming on
darn...snezzing, ....tired....sure hope it leaves quickly so I will not be sick for Flag.; lots done this afternoon at least; my class for spring and the one I "accidently" got due to some other reasons; UU was very different; we basically mediated for 45 minutes to dvd of the ocean and falling icebergs...guess you had to be there...then went to lunch with some new friends I am making there; a sweet older man and his wife...and t a new male friend. so just being me....then i went to find a place to make keys...no such luck....so i am still on the hunt! watched a netflix movie "November Moon"; a was story in France with great acting.
Tuesday, March 03, 2009
Starting to Feel Again...
the report will be printed in the morning so it will be GONE...over with for now anyway...starting to really think about being in az again...almost one year...my self esteem is really down due to my weight gain...oh well...accept my self and see my friends....my very dear friends from so many years...saw a video of a dog sleeping and almost fell off my chair with l1 earlier in the day...I have watched it several times today...just need to laugh out loud and I did. I am really feeling the pressure getting less...so, now to open my mail and relax.
Monday, March 02, 2009
It is March
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