Monday, November 24, 2008
Ode To Ruby
ruby was a little black and white bundle of loving fur; bouncing up and down everywhere; until one night she did not come back; she caused all of us to smile and laugh with her; running down the hallway and running to the bed and then jumping up on the bed; her ears flying back like a small elephant; she would slide around corners; play with libby; run after libby; chase libby; and take naps by was her first name and is her last name....we loved you ruby...thank you for being with us for so long...i have your last resting box with me in portland; you bring me happiness just thinking about year ago i took you to the doctor's and saw you after work and you were sick but seemed a bit lively; then on tuesday at 4:30 am the doc called and said you had left our world....i am sorry i did not take you home to be with me but i thought you would be better...i know you know i loved you. i am sorry ruby. you were my only little dog; t gave me you when you were about 5 weeks old...tiny little bit of white and black curly and white spots...a darling....the first night we had you and you were in our bedroom you just ran around; so we put you in the other bedroom and you started to bark...and bark...and bark...and about 3:00 am we brought back to our bed and you stayed there for years and years.....thank you for being in my life. my love hugs find you were ever you are...maybe in the fourth dimension you are sitting on my computer desk looking at me right now...i hope so. sweet little puppydog...good bye. at uu on sunday the minster quoted rumi "don't be sad at grief because it comes back in another form"---your spirit is somewhere giving love to another being.