Friday, November 28, 2008
A New Kitty for Ascona Way
Yea for Z for finding a baby kitten for Ascona Way re my home in Flag....I had three cats so bringing this new kitten home will be three now...z described it as "full of fur"---grey...he heard it crying behind a fence off I-17th and 40th st in Phx...so....thank you z for being such a gentle human being....I know you have a speical place in your heart for hearing speical voices...happy holidays and prayers for your gm. (maybe this is an example of grief coming back in another form???)
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Good bye to Richard Hubbell
Monday, November 24, 2008
Ode To Ruby
ruby was a little black and white bundle of loving fur; bouncing up and down everywhere; until one night she did not come back; she caused all of us to smile and laugh with her; running down the hallway and running to the bed and then jumping up on the bed; her ears flying back like a small elephant; she would slide around corners; play with libby; run after libby; chase libby; and take naps by libby....love was her first name and is her last name....we loved you ruby...thank you for being with us for so long...i have your last resting box with me in portland; you bring me happiness just thinking about you...one year ago i took you to the doctor's and saw you after work and you were sick but seemed a bit lively; then on tuesday at 4:30 am the doc called and said you had left our world....i am sorry i did not take you home to be with me but i thought you would be better...i know you know i loved you. i am sorry ruby. you were my only little dog; t gave me you when you were about 5 weeks old...tiny little bit of white and black curly fur...black and white spots...a darling....the first night we had you and you were in our bedroom you just ran around; so we put you in the other bedroom and you started to bark...and bark...and bark...and bark...so about 3:00 am we brought back to our bed and you stayed there for years and years.....thank you for being in my life. my love hugs find you were ever you are...maybe in the fourth dimension you are sitting on my computer desk looking at me right now...i hope so. sweet little puppydog...good bye. at uu on sunday the minster quoted rumi "don't be sad at grief because it comes back in another form"---your spirit is somewhere giving love to another being.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
the sun came out today
Yes, I did say "the sun"---this is such a blessing here! I used to take it for granted so much but now I don't. Special treat tonight-l and h came over for a visit....just love them so much. thanks for the pretty folders too. went to the office today and worked on boring stuff; want to have this done so I will not have to work over the holiday...later
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Twightlight: 12 year old girl dream boat
went to see Twighlight with d,l,h and many other girls (one boy)....an event for my 12 year "little charlotte"--fun, cute, refreshing, and sweet. nite nite
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
cswe site visit--do our grandparents really lov us?
we are having a site visit from our accrediation body...cswe
Monday, November 17, 2008
beauty is in the eye of the beholder

Sunday, November 16, 2008
The Wonders of Facebook Social Networking

had contact with two of my friends, one from when I lived in Phx in the early 1970's....rbh and another social work friend in denver from the mid 80's...(bb)...still have my cold...blahhhh; did not go to UU this am...too tired. my humidifier seems to be making a difference---feels moist in the room...hope it helps my nose condition...(no details). shopped for turkey day with phone advice from l,h,d...that was fun...it was a very pretty day; saw Mt Hood...that sure is a big mountain...talked with cm, jg, mm from Flag...hope i have some energy for the site visit from cswe this week. i am sure it will go wonderfully! PSU certainly knows how to prepare and do quality work! I love this pix of the o family..
Saturday, November 15, 2008
300 posts-I am impressed!
This is my 300 posting on my blog...my my...went to the Portland Art Musuem last night with k and k re a fundraiser for the naya. Very fancy event; I bought a new top for the occasion..very pretty and more formal...my cold is holding steady...not worse but still here. Spent day doing mundane stuff like washing, shopping, etc. Went to the Bagdad theartre and saw Dark Knight...what an intense movie...walked around the area for awhile; felt very "portlander"...moon is beautiful tonight. home and now time for bed...it was a beautiful day...clear skies. nite nite
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Veteran's Day

I actually took today off from working...went to the club, pool, etc. Slept in late...had a nice visit with c & n..nice couple. I think I am getting a cold...hope not. Lots of rain today but its ok. I called several of my friends in Flag...great to hear their voices. Teaching l's class tomorrow so that will be interesting...Stayed at the office late last night so I did not have to go there today and that was good. So, not much to say....nite nite
Sunday, November 09, 2008
just a weekend

went to see Guys and Dolls on Sat afternoon...had dinner out...went to bed early and got up very early due to a nosebleed...went back to sleep then woke up later and went to UU....manageing my nosebleeds a bit better but still really hard...went out to lunch with the g/l/b/t group at UU in Goose Hollow...meeting nice women...wanted to do some other stuff today but did not get around to it...now I am tired and want to go to bed early but will get up too early...need to get my sleep more balanced...oh well...what's new? so much fun to see all the reaction re the Obama election...
Thursday, November 06, 2008
It Really Happened! A Post Modern President-Elect
It is still unreal but we really voted and the outcome was for Obama...went to the convention center with l,d,h and experienced the entire event with hundreds of other democrats...tears, joy, yelling, dancing, screaming, happiness...what an event to share with everyone...afterwards drove home via downtown and the party was out in the streets...we actually did it...a new life for America! Also I can really say that "Portland loves to party!"---so much excitment. Thank you hp.
Monday, November 03, 2008
Sunday, November 02, 2008
Ode to my Office Today

UU was so powerful today. Hope messages and tears, conversations all around re obama..prayers for Tuesday...whatever the outcome. Spent all day at my office working on several projects, other faculty were there too, so that helped. Then at 4:30ish I walked downtown and had dinner at a sushi place near the square after a commerce visit to Macy's. Sale was the operative word. Went back to office and walked up 2 flights and not worried...it is all for my new health committment...walk and walk and walk more...did 6750 steps today!
Apartment Living: 5 floors UP
I can hear the wind, rain, more rain, more wind...and see lots of raindrops falling in the river below me. I guess I know how now so guess what you are going to be linked to? Finally got it now....oh dear; watch out..more wind and rain...oh I forgot...fall back one hour tonight....this picture is from flag of the moon and venus...love the sky in flag...miss it tonight...goodnite flag
Saturday, November 01, 2008
This is a test.
this is a test of my knowledge about getting to a website via this blog; so here goes.
it was a long day....of rain....more rain...or "just get used to it c"

Went to Obama's office today---made a few calls and picked up buttons and a flyer. Big prayers for he and his family for a safe journal as he gets closer to "Nov 4th"...please hp take care of them. Our country needs his love, passion, hope, intelligence, and his leadership....safe travels to l. got to get real about my situation with f.--RAIN RAIN RAIN...It is so interesting to be living under a shadow. The photo is of Peggy McIntosh who wrote "White Privilege" checklist over 25 years ago. Heard her on Thursday night with l at Lewis & Clark College.
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