I started to pack and now my house is starting to have several "bare walls" ...selling furniture on craig'slist seems to be working...had a call from the ad within 2 hours; sold some stuff to an ole friend from the Flag A Club--tv, dresser, etc. drove to sedona over weekend to sell an item to a person there; what an adventure this is becoming; I decided to get rid of most of my stuff and start a new up there....no more ugly, used stuff...spent most of day with b due to a dog bite she got last night from walking her dog, c...who just had surgery on his leg...trying to study for a espanol exam tomorrow but having a hard time concentrating anymore...I think I will leave most of my stuff here so I don't have to worry about getting a place large enough...will be going to p at the end of april to look for a place with l and d. what a change this is going to be; everyone wishing me the best of luck and saying it is a great opportunity--I agree but it will be up and down with saying goodbye and making new friends in a completely new place...looking at apartments, condos, townhouses, etc. so life is full! very excited to say the least! friends are leaving empty boxes on my front yard so that is really helping me...packing a few boxes each day so it will not be so crazy at the end...or at least I hope not...good nite